Cheapest historical financial data source


I am looking for historical data for equities and FX as well as indicators such as GDP, unemployment, etc. Who is the cheapest data source provider that provides this information?
I am looking for historical data for equities and FX as well as indicators such as GDP, unemployment, etc. Who is the cheapest data source provider that provides this information?

Equity historical data can easily be gotten free from Yahoo.

Free FX historical data:

PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service

Free source of economic indicators is a Federal Reserve website:

I have a free open-source add-in that can grab the data and place it into EXCEL:

smf_addin : EXCEL Stock Market Functions Add-in

In addition to the add-in and documentation on its functions, there are templates for most of the data you're asking about, available in the files area.

Equity historical data can easily be gotten free from Yahoo.

Free FX historical data:

PACIFIC Exchange Rate Service

Free source of economic indicators is a Federal Reserve website:

I have a free open-source add-in that can grab the data and place it into EXCEL:

smf_addin : EXCEL Stock Market Functions Add-in

In addition to the add-in and documentation on its functions, there are templates for most of the data you're asking about, available in the files area.
I'm also after historical data (ASX, global indices) but suited for day trading.
Does anyone have a good source for intraday data? Could be tick by tick or five minute intervals or similar.
eSignal On Demand


eSignal On Demand has ASX and global Indexes, US markets, and London, plus all the major world's exchanges. It is both an End of Day and Intraday service with no exchanges fees. Includes software for back testing and hundreds of charting studies.

eSignal OnDemand

Thanks, Chuck.
I had a look on the esignal web site and it says esignal on demand is not available for third party software which I guess means I cannot get the data into my database.
If there was a tool to capture and export that data the esignal product would seem quite suitable.
