Charting Software ?


Charting Software ?
Hi Folks I was wondering if anybody could suggest a charting software. This software must be able to do 2 things:

1/ enable me to expand the chart on the right hand side of the frame so as I can project any trendlines from the current chart onto a future date

2/ this expanded chart on the right must have corresponding date/time available on the bottom date/time axis.

I have used both Metatrader and CMS-VT(forex), although both allow me to expand the chart on the right hand side of the frame, they do not provide a corresponding date/time on the date/time axis.

Thanks Numspar
I don't know any charting package that does this, but it is a really good idea and I will be keen to hear from anyone that does.
Hi Numspar,
I'm not sure if I've understood properly about the date time requirement, but if you mean that date and time is also projected into the future then Qcharts does both.

Kind regards


What I was trying to say is that when you can expand a chart on the right, the date/time on the bottom axis only gives you a corresponding reading to the current price bar. It doesnt continue the date/time when you continue to expand the chart on the right.(hope i've explained this right!)

Thanks for the info, will try the free trial and see if it provides what I am looking for.

Cheers Numspar
Does anyone uses Sharescope? I cannot find any discussion/hints/tips on Sharescope on T2W. Perhaps if there are enough users we should start a thread.
Sharescope may be,perhaps, less trading and more investment orientated - but either way there is not a lot about it on the site. If there is enough interest Sharky may be persuaded to start a dedicated sub forum. I subscribe to the eod package but don't use it a lot these days.
You'd be better off joining in the Sharescope forums I'd think, they're moderately active - I suspect there aren't enough 'active' users here to keep a forum going. I use the EoD, but only as a datafeed.