Charting Iraq

Deaths to me look like they are reaching a climax or blow out at present due the sudden rapid increase. Does this mean that the battle field has become saturated, with every Iraqi having killed at least one yank, and thus quite happy and content having 'showed the Joneses' (or should that read Iqbal?) their US trophy?

I read the other day that 10 Iraqi's have died for every yank. Interesting spread. I'd rather trade the spread - I think it's safer. I'd be out if the spread dropped to 8-1. The yanks are asking for backup which tells me they are on the ropes. Thus the spread should grow before the back up is delivered.
I'd let the trend be your friend on this one. Though insiders are bailing out, the majority will keep piling in as it seems like the right thing to do, safety in numbers strategy, though a sudden end to this rally would occur if major corporates were shown to have lied.

I'm wondering if thats the ultra-reliable, yet little-known and not-at-all-heeded "Vietnam Indicator" (TM) I can see starting to look a little bullish for the Iraqis?
Z, talking of liars, where is Phoney Bliar. I heard he was somewhere foreign. Should stay there :cheesy: