CFD - GNI touch


Thanks for reading this thread.

I came across this forum and I am glad to read lots of good information on this board.

Anyway, trading with CMC in Germany is not really what makes me happy for the obvious reasons of instability of their platform, etc.

I trade for many years ( options, with and a while ago I started CFD trading. I like the instrument a lot but need to find a stable and cost effective DMA platform. I heard good stuff about GNI but couldn´t find more info about their price structure (fees, dax spread, etc.). Their website just tells me 12,50. One way or round trip ? nothing about margins, spreads,...

Does anybody trade with GNI and would like to let me know about his experience and, of course, sth. about fees, margins, etc.

I also tried to install their demo software but didn´t work. Maybe I just go ahead and find out about all this tomorrow by calling them. :idea:

Nevertheless, please share your experience about GNI with me.
Thanks for your reply.

I have been browsing their website already.

Well, I guess I would qualify for an active trader ( more than 15 trades per month ).
Usually I trade 5 or 10 contracts on the GermanDAX30. Depending on my technical analysis and according to my CRV and stop loss policy I sometimes go for 100, 200 or 300 shares if I trade stocks at all. I prefer indextrading.

CMC Markets is for this volume perfect. No commissions, only a spread of 2 with the geman30 index and 16€ ( 2x8) with shares. Except the spread is tooooo wide sometimes in comparison to the `real world`.

Technical Problems with CMC do occur too many times. I really do wonder if this is the same in UK with CMC. It´s hard to believe that it is. Just curious.

................Please note, there are a few other DMA CFD Broker around, but not all will be suitable for you. What a volume do you trade usually?...........

If there are any recommendations concerning which DMA CFD Broker might be suitable for me than I would grateful to hear more about them....yes, I could google them but I prefer personal statements as a lead more than marketing words on websites.

Thanks and a successful new trading week.
GNI don't offer index trading, and you will not find DMA trading of any benefit for it - there is no exchange to access directly. Futures may be a better route for you.
Hi Sanjaya,

die gesamte MF Global Gruppe nimmt (derzeit) keine deutschen Kunden.
Bleiben für dich vermutlich nur IG Markets, Saxobank oder CityIndex übrig.

Best regards
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GPI touch hätte es gemacht.

Hi Tom,

danke! Interessant zu wissen, wobei ich sagen will, dass GNI touch mich genommen hätte, wenn ich gewollt hätte. Doch leider bieten sie derzeit kein DaxIndex trading an, sodass es für mich nicht in Frage kommt. Die Kosten sind auch dementsprechend. Bin im Moment bei CMC.

Aber kann schon gut sein, dass sich da was ändert in der ganzen Sache. Sie werden anrufen, wenn sie das Instrument aufnehmen.

Einen erfolgreichen Tag und Geduld.