Casino Scams

Seems an ingenious approach (if true).

Would be a shame to penalise such inventiveness.

If they want to take someone to court, perhaps they should look no further than the cost of a cucumber sandwich with tea at that same establishment.

Their prices are truly criminal!
Utter bull in my opinion.
a) The "phone" would have to have a RISC Microprocessor in it to calculate the velocity etc. Don't exist.
b) A link to another PC would have to be at least at broadband rates...
c) Completing the whole process by 2 spins of the wheel is needed to give time for the punter to place a bet. That's 2 seconds or so.
Possible with a dedicated device that "looks like" a mobile phone though,linked via 433 Mhz short range transceiver to a laptop nearby, maybe....
Such a device would be more use for BlackJack....
What I found interesting was the comment that they had previously 'won' 100k, and nothing untoward was thought of it. But perhaps they got greedy and went for the £1.2m which did arouse suspicions.

So it seems to be just the same as spreadbetters - go above a certain level and you bring attention to yourself. So the rule must be to find out what is acceptable, and just keep chipping away beneath that level. And surely they would have wanted to spread themselves around a bit - 80k here and there at various casinos throughout London would easily have mounted up reasonably quickly and all without too much attention.

Divide and conquer!
"Weekly World News will continue to follow this story as it unfolds. Keep watching for further developments"

Were there any developments? That's funny. I remeber that article from the first time around. Favourite line:

All he wants is to be allowed to return to the future in his "time craft."
Utter bull in my opinion.
a) The "phone" would have to have a RISC Microprocessor in it to calculate the velocity etc. Don't exist.

Some mobile phones now come with 150+Mhz RISC
Micropressors, should be more than capable of doing the
calculations i think.

The Sony P800 been available for almost a year now,
comes with 159Mhz ARM9. And a camera on the back!
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you're very quick to criticise, Zenda, especially where seminars/training is concerned. Yet I note that on another forum you describe yourself as a trading instructor/seminar presenter/trader. Is the pot calling the kettle black?

I don't think anyone would question Chartman's knowledge of computer hardware.
im sorry guys but Andrew is a myth.

You could be mistaken, take for instance Vince Stanzione and his claims. Proof indeed that these time travellers are everywhere!
Having worked with Microcontrollers since 1972, when the first Intel chip, the 4004 came out, I know the odd thing or two about computers. I designed a hand held all CMOS computer from scratch when PSION was just a twinkle in someone's eye. To say I know nothing about computers just shows the person's ignorance and willingness to make statements that are clearly based on guesswork.
Zenda, you're talking out of the back off your ass.
A phone may well have a RISC chip, but how are you going to program your application into it?
Zenda said:
Chartman - Still getting involved in something he knows nothing about again - and please Chartman answer my question did your seminar take place ?? I feel a warning coming on again.........
just drop it zenda.
A phone may well have a RISC chip, but how are you going to program your application into it?

There are software development kits for these phones, most
free to download, all you need is a C++ compiler and the kit..
How times change... I used to make phone calls on my phone :(
Next you'll be telling me they can send pictures.... :cheesy:
chartman ya must be as old as the hills to be programing the 4004 the first one I started with was the 8086 but I did prefer the 6502, if only we had been in California at the time would be millionaires
Those WERE the good old days..... I also worked on converting the analogue computer controlling the Mach2 wind tunnel at RAE Farnborough to a Digital computer.... that was using Mullard ( remember them?) DTL chips. A trip down memory lane. :cheesy:
That's where Concorde saw it's early testing.
I have an appology to make to Zenda- he's quite right, I know nothing about phones. :(
casino owners get scammed every day of the week from every direction; employees, customers, VIPs, yuo name it

i don't think there is anyone on the planet more alert to being scammed than a casino boss

amusing. People do get found in the Nevada desert holding casino knick knacks.