Good Article - A Threat to Democracy from Guardian.

Good and disturbing article.

Democracy isnt exactly helped by voter-apathy.
Agreed very disturbing.

If the governement are so intent on clamping down on activists (peaceful and otherwise) on the grounds they see them as potential terrorists, why do we have such a liberal immigration and asylum policy?

I have to admit being guilty of voter apathy, but I do not see any of the main parties doing anything to change the way the country is heading.
Actually, the whole point of the article was that the major parties had agreed on a common set of ideas. So, irrespective of who was in power, further draconian rules would be implemented.

So, even if voters voted, nothing would change !

"do not see the main parties doing anything to change.." - the whole point of the article.

Dave; if we didnt have disenfranchised immigrants, frightened of the law, afraid to ask for a decent wage, living in squalor, doing the crappy jobs no-one else wants etc, the NHS would fall apart, there would be no cheap food on our shelves, our offices would be dirty.

Good God man, we may have to pay people a decent wage.
This is no surprise to me . When a small group of meglomaniacs are trying to control and dictate to the whole world , laws as these are necessary.

Even now , the idea of party democracies is severely stained as the article points , both parties are so similar inpolicy that theyare virtually one and the same.

Immigration is just one method among many used to pressurise nations into self doubt and insecurity . it is happening to all over the world not just to the UK . the end game is an insecure people will conned to look to something / one else for the answers to life's problems and guess who that will be :

the NWO . problem , reaction - solution .
People do not notice small changes in things until it is too late to do anything about it. That is why they have so much indirect taxation.
Much of the information that led the US government in recent days to raise the terror alert for five financial centres in New York City, northern New Jersey and Washington was three or four years old, media reports said "There is nothing right now that we're hearing that is new," a report in The Washington Post quoted one senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the alert as saying. "Why did we go to this level...I still don't know."
So, the basis for the orange alert was 3 or 4 years old intel. In order to get to red, to then have the option of cancelling the election, you have to go through orange. The ministry of homeland security has stated that code orange will last through the elections so that option is now open. Two or three weeks prior if Dubya is behind in the polls.........
twalker said:
The ministry of homeland security has stated that code orange will last through the elections so that option is now open. Two or three weeks prior if Dubya is behind in the polls.........

I read a cynical post on another site a few months ago where the individual claimed (without offering any evidence) that Bin Laden had been captured when the media were making a big fuss about the possibility that he had been surrounded, but then went quite. The post went on to suggest that news of Bin Laden's capture would be released a few weeks before the election, securing Dubya's second term. Sounds a bit far fetched to me, but who knows...
The post went on to suggest that news of Bin Laden's capture would be released a few weeks before the election, securing Dubya's second term. Sounds a bit far fetched to me, but who knows...
So Bush went out to capture him personally? Gosh what a busy man, what with all that campaigning an' all. ...