Career path, trader


Active member

Just a general question.

Am doing a MS Fin at Insead in Singapore, the main reason is that i hope to transition into a IB / HF trader role.

I'm interested in trading, a lot more than i am in being an analyst or traditional FM as a career. I do understand FA and am very familiar with Buffett, Lynch, Graham, Financial modelling etc...

I'm slightly older than my peers (am early 30's) but once and for all, would like to transition and work as a trader.

Any thoughts on how best i should do this?

(i) I get to do a thesis, with researchers at insead supervising etc. Is there any value to approaching an IB and offering to do a trading-related topic of their choice? As a means of possible entry?

(ii) What can i DO to improve my odds? At this point i'm already very familiar with almost all conventional forms of TA and equity FA. But I'm very sure i can't learn the things relevant to a professional setup on my own.

(iii) Any advice is greatly appreciated.