Have you bought carbon credits through Carbonex or a broker which uses them and been promised (verbally or in writing) an exit plan which has turned out to be hot air?
Legally this is misrepresentation. It doesn't matter if the trade was through a broker as the contract is with Carbonex so they have liability under the agency principle.
Carbonex try and refer you to the small-print in the contract which states that Representations do not consititute (contact terms) so cannot be relies upon. However the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations renders this, almost certainly, illegitimate and so and invalid defence. That being the case the contract can me rendered void by the Misrepresentation and you can get your money back (plus interest but probably not damages).
Problem is the legal process is long and costly.
But if you have a similar problem, please post, as a class action minimises costs and risks. I have a solicitor involved but it is painful and costly
Legally this is misrepresentation. It doesn't matter if the trade was through a broker as the contract is with Carbonex so they have liability under the agency principle.
Carbonex try and refer you to the small-print in the contract which states that Representations do not consititute (contact terms) so cannot be relies upon. However the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations renders this, almost certainly, illegitimate and so and invalid defence. That being the case the contract can me rendered void by the Misrepresentation and you can get your money back (plus interest but probably not damages).
Problem is the legal process is long and costly.
But if you have a similar problem, please post, as a class action minimises costs and risks. I have a solicitor involved but it is painful and costly