Candlestick charts for UK stocks



Really sorry if this has already been covered, had a quick search and couldn;t see anything obvious. I'm looking for a site that provides decent candlestick charts covering UK stocks. I've found them on using a UK: prefix for the code e.g. UK:ECR but their candlestick chart doesn't seem to have any shadows.

Am I missing a setting somewhere, or maybe there's a better site that does these?
Hi cornflake,
I've had a look at Big Charts and their candles look fine to me - see the chart of Barclays, below.

Big Charts.png

The reason you're not getting any wicks on the candles of ECR is because it's a penny stock and probably not very liquid. The chart is almost certainly good, although the only way to know for sure is to cross check the OHLC prices against the official data from the exchange.

If you're wanting more sophisticated charts, then ProRealTime is an obvious choice - for free end of day data. If you want intra day data, then you'll probably have to pay a subscription - or open an account with a spread bet broker and use their charts. (That said, they'll only have companies listed on the major indices like the FTSE 100 - so you won't find charts of stocks like ECR).

If you're wanting to trade stocks like ERC, my advice would be not to! If you want to take a wild punt in the hope the price triples over the next month or year, you could do that, but trading them in the short term (and certainly intra day) is a gamble and expensive on account of the spread.

Thanks for the reply and explanation. I'm aware of the risks involved with trading AIM-based mining companies, and that it's considered pretty much gambling by a lot of people. I mainly trade mid cap to blue chip stocks in the FTSE but have a little punt on an AIM company every now and then to keep my risk-taking side happy. With AIM I don't trade intraday, more like 2-8 week terms.
I'm lucky enough to have done well with ECR and a couple of other AIM companies (DOR, ACP) and I've made the odd loss as well (worst one was probably BMZ!) but overall I'm up and only invest what I can genuinely afford to lose.

I'll add that I don't rely on candlestick indicators, but use it alongside a few other methods of analysis to get an overall picture.
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I agree with timsk: prorealtime has a good free offer for end-of-day data. If you get a spread-betting account with IGIndex, you get access to the prorealtime platform through their service with free real-time data. In my experience, you can find almost all AIM stocks (including most small-caps!). The charting package is for free if you execute 4 orders / month, e.g. open and close two positions at the very least.
Hi All, I am new in UK market. Anybody suggest good website for UK stock market information. Like
. . . If you get a spread-betting account with IGIndex, you get access to the prorealtime platform through their service with free real-time data . . .
Excellent idea periscope - good point - I hadn't thought of that.
Hi All, I am new in UK market. Anybody suggest good website for UK stock market information. Like
Hi luckyhaa,
Generally, there's less good quality free information available for traders of UK equities than there is for traders of US equities - but there is some. It depends what you're after really? This site isn't bad for general info': Morningstar. Some of the bigger brokers such as Hargreaves Lansdown have some decent content on their sites. As I say, it rather depends on what you're after.
Hi Timsk,How can we find out promoter holding(promoter stake) of UK stocks. I checked moneyam,afdvn and London stock exchange websites..I cant find that information. Please guide me.If i know promoter holding then i can easily find out floating stock%.I appreciate your response.Thanks
Hi Luckyhaa,
I'm afraid I can't provide an answer as I don't understand the question. Sorry! Perhaps someone else who is more familiar with the details of share ownership will be able to help you.
Hi Luckyhaa,
I'm afraid I can't provide an answer as I don't understand the question. Sorry! Perhaps someone else who is more familiar with the details of share ownership will be able to help you.

If Lucky is looking for the underwriters then you would likely need to get that from the company website who is doing the IPO or DSP. Typically they would be the major banks but there is one crowd who are responsible for most of the registrations, I just can't put my finger on that company..Equiniti thats the of the major regsitrars in the UK
try the company that you are looking for first though.
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Dear Tim/malaguti,
I really surprised investors here not looking ownership % !!! . I think it may be different way people talking.....Promoter stake means owners total holding of a particular company ( i can give some link may get better view)
In UK let say Barclays bank...Who is the promoter of this bank ? how much % of shares they are holding ?? Any idea about this data.....In general if promoter holding is high ..then owners have more faith in there company........I seen here lot of insider buying/selling closely tracking lot of websites/investors
Hope you understood what i mean ............................
Hope you understood what i mean ............................
Hi luckyhaa,
Thanks for the explanation; I'm now clear as to what it is that you're asking. It's your terminology I'm not familiar with, as you say - "I think it may be different way people talking....."

Essentially, you want to know who holds the stock of a particular company and in what percentages. Using Barclays as an example, Morningstar provide some figures, but they're by no means comprehensive: Directors & Shareholders

For a more detailed breakdown of shareholders, I suspect (but I may be wrong) that you'll need to pay a subscription to a specialist provider. Company REFS might do it. Failing that, you might try posing the same question on the discussion boards at The Motley Fool - as that site is more geared towards investment. Most T2W members trade the very short term and, therefore, tend not to be interested in the sort of fundamental information that you're seeking.

Hope that helps.
Dear Tim/malaguti,
I really surprised investors here not looking ownership % !!! . I think it may be different way people talking.....Promoter stake means owners total holding of a particular company ( i can give some link may get better view)
In UK let say Barclays bank...Who is the promoter of this bank ? how much % of shares they are holding ?? Any idea about this data.....In general if promoter holding is high ..then owners have more faith in there company........I seen here lot of insider buying/selling closely tracking lot of websites/investors
Hope you understood what i mean ............................

Lucky, a promotor of something is not the owner. The owner of shares in a public limited company can run into many thousands as they are the individual shareholders. I have a share in Barclays, are you saying I'm a promotor? No, Im the owner of its shares. What on earth will the percentage of shares I own tell you? If an individual holds a majority shareholding that has more faith in the company? That's rubbish Lucky.
The market capitalisation of any company is freely available, the individual share holdings are also available which lists every single share holder like I say in a PLC will run into the thousands
Good luck on that one

Thanks for your response. Looks like market dynamics are different in both countries . I want to learn more about UK market Then will get back u