Hi Ghost
Clip Size is the maximum amount of contracts you are permitted to trade. For example, you may have a clip size of 100 Bunds and 60 Shatz - which means the most bunds you can trade at any time is 100 and 60 for Shatz.
Scratching a trade is getting out for zero profit and zero loss. You effectively sell at the same price you bought at.
Hit and lift are the opposite of each other - you hit a bid price and lift an offer price. Both are aggressive order types. For example, let's say a stock is 104 - 105. You can hit 104, selling at 104 aggressively and you can lift the offer at 105, buying aggressively at 105.
High tick and low tick are, once again, the opposite of each other. High ticking is lifting an offer in smaller size than usual to trigger short position stops. If you are the victim of this practice, you got "High Ticked". Low Ticking is hitting a bid to trigger long position stops.
Onside and offside are where you are in profit or suffering a loss on your trade respectively.
Hope that helps.