BT is doomed I tell you, doomed !


Veteren member
Scottish and Southern are now extending their trials
whereby you can receive broadband via an electricity plug.
It only requires a receiver box to be fitted in each substation.

Winchester is now on the list.

That's the best news I've heard in a long time 😀

Thank you , Thank you, Thank you!!!
hold on
you are in London ?
is that part of their area ?
they will only provide the facility if they cover your area.

My thinking is that if one electricity company does it - they'll all do it 😀

Please don't spoil my moments of happiness 😢
if it really works well, it could herald a lot of new stuff.
I'm not an engineer so I can only hazard guesses.
But every house has elec even in the most remote parts of the
country. And every house could be connected to every other house ?/office/football stadium/olympic venue/ dial a film/etc

eventually we may not need an isp as such ?
just a substation receiver/splitter/router ? and peer to peer comms

I don't know, sounds a bit far fetched !
probably a lot of nonsense !
How does it compare to NTL's cable modem?

Q. For those in redhill/oxted, surrey. Have you had problems with NTL broadband in the past weeks?
This idea of using mains cabling as a data route was first publicised/trialed many years ago, then abruptly disappeared. Interesting that it is in vogue once more. I assumed that it was simply more cost effective to piggyback the standard telephone cable as ADSL is currently provided to land line customers. Will go and do some digging as to why it is being touted once more.