Books & software. Do they all have to come from the US?

Stoat Trader

Junior member
I'm in the throes of struggling to gain control of computer technique (!) and trading with spreadbetting and also trying to master Visual Trader.
Would like some books too. As I'm interested in the US market and maybe doing the DAX later on or other currencies, I was wondering if there was any place in England one can order these products from or if one always has to pay high costs for shipment etc from the states?
If there are such companies, could you guys out there let me know, and if not, who are the best people to use US side?
I think this must be a cause of a lot of frustration for many of us.
Happy Trading,
The Stoat Lady.
Stoaty - the 'Classifieds' forum here on t2w is massively under-utilised.

If you know what books you want - you could ask there first.
classifieds? sounds like a good idea, where is it?


TheBramble said:
Stoaty - the 'Classifieds' forum here on t2w is massively under-utilised.

If you know what books you want - you could ask there first.
Duh! I wish I'D thought of that!

TheBramble said:
Stoaty - the 'Classifieds' forum here on t2w is massively under-utilised.

If you know what books you want - you could ask there first.
Hi Mr/Mrs Bramble,
I really havent had enough time to spare to go through the entire list of wonders that this site has to offer.
Being a busy bird, I really need to set aside enough time to do that or I will come over as having permanent 'blonde' moments!
I will scoot thru there as soon as I've shifted all my dining room and hall stairs and landing furniture as I'm having carpets fitted tomorrow. Oh joy! Humping furniture solo is no big bonus.
Thanks for the help. I hope you take this reply with the good humour with which is was intended. Look forward to reading you again.
The Stoat Lady.
I'm VERY tired!

TheBramble said:
Stoaty - the 'Classifieds' forum here on t2w is massively under-utilised.

If you know what books you want - you could ask there first.
Sorry bout that Tony,
I'm so worn out with all this that I should've looked more closely and realised the female Toni is spelt as such.
Sorry for that.
Catch ya soon.
Stoat Lady
Although an American site I have found this to offer 2nd hand books in mint condition at prices which, even when express post is used compare most favourably with any English sites. Find out what you want and then take a look
I'm sure you won't be sorry