Boiler Room Scams

Hi anyone on here who have been scammed and sent money to HSBC Hong Kong now is a good time to put the bank under pressure as regards due dilligence in opening a/c for these criminals. Please pm any details as I am in contact with the bank concerning this at present the more people who are complaining the better. We may force them to compensate some victims or give details of addresses. They are in the news at the minute for allowing criminals channel money through them . I am fortunate that I sued and got my money back but I am holding them accountable for legal fees.

We were also scammed and HSBC sent our money to HSBC and other banks in Hong Kong. Could you let me know how you managed to sue them?
Hi Kathleen and anyone who is feeling let down by HSBC.
We are also the victims of a boiler room scam and it is so frustrating that two years after sending our money to Hong Kong, we got a letter from them telling us to be aware of 'boiler room' scams! Would gladly join with you and others to get compensation. How did you go about sueing them?
Hi, can anyone give me some advice on dealing with Crown Capital Management. Is this also a scam ?? Thanks all.
Would any of the members of the forum live in or near palma de mallorca or can access someone there to locate 2 positive scammers..the ones who scammed me i will supply full details to that member. I finally got the names of at least these two although there seem to be more involved and would love to find these guys.. It would make the hell go away..regards JBlonde
Re: West london brokers



this company claims it sells legit Brazillian property investment. No licenses, you will be contacted by "Layla Summers" who is a very push individual involved. AVOID AVOID AVOID

Hi, I would like to know more about wt u said. how did u come to this conclusion?
List of unauthorised overseas firms operating in the UK (as supplied by the FSA).....

Ainsley Consulting SL (now known as Mercier International Group)

Alexander Rothko Associates*

Amherst International

Anderson Fitzpatrick (Switzerland) AG

Argus Global Equities Limited

B A Gelman


BenjaminFisher SL

Berkley Murray Securities

Berkshire Tax Consultants

Black & White Investments

Boska Settlement Corporation

Bradley Chen & Associates

Braun & Bridgewater Corporation (aka BBGC Corporation)

Breakthrough Venture Partners

Breslan Aliied Limited

Cambridge Global Inc

Capital One Management Inc

Carlton Birtal Advisory Services SL

Carter James SL

Chamberlin Management Inc

Chapman Foster Group SL

Chicago Board of Acquisitions Inc

* Clarington Group (The)

Clarkson Gordon Ltd

Clifton Financial Services

Cohen Edwards Asset Management

Collins Tate & Murchison

Condor Research

Crandale Group

Creston & Childs

Douglas St James

Dunhill Capital

E1 Asset Management

Edward Tate

Elliot Price & Associates

Equity Research Group


Everest 1 Inc.

Fairchild Roth Financial Inc

Fernvale Associates

Fielding Clifford

First Chartered Capital Corp / First Colonial Trust

First International Equity & Acquisitions Inc

Franklin Asset Management (aka Jefferson Management)

Fraser Hunt Levine

Fridman, Koch and Saul (aka Cambridge Global and Amhers International)


Godwynn International

Goldberg Kravitz (now known as Union Partners SL)

Goodman Management Associates

GS Anguilla

Harrington Advisory Services/Harrington Advisory,SL

Hamilton Asset Management

Handel Ross Advisory

Hannover Markka Capital

Hargill & Black Associates

Harper Mills and Paige Inc

Harrop, Lees, Brown & Co

Henderson Young

Hoffman Philips SL

Hopkins, Pierce & Co Limited

Hyda Florsbanc

International Business Advisors

International Options Trading (PTY) Ltd*

ITB Group

Jackson Cole Investments

Jacob Stern

Jefferson Management (aka Franklin Asset Management)

K P Allen

Kammer, Stuartt Reed

Kerona Trading Ltd

Kline Management Group

Kobe Securities International

Liberty Assets inc

Liberty First Financial Services

Liberty One Advisors LLC*

Livingstone Asset Management

Lombard Grand Inc

Lox International Group

Market Access Group

Maxwell Fleming & Associates

McKenzie Goldstein & Associates*

McKenzie King Ltd

Mercantilebanc Securities Inc

Mercier Interantional Group (aka Ainsley Consulting SL) / Mercier asset Management Inc

Millennium Financial Ltd

Miller Bosses Acquisitions INC.

Morgan Young Financial Consultants

Morrison Cross Financial Investments Ltd

Nationwide Mergers and Acquisitions

Network Capital Partners

Nivo Invest and Trade Corp

Norwich Capital Mutual Funds Limited

Oceanic Equities

Pacific Federal SA

Pan European Investment Management

Pan Pacific Financial

Parker Lane

Parker Rowe

Perlman-Haas Associates

Phoenix Asset Management SA

Phoenix Partners SL

Platinum Asset Management (pty) Ltd

Platinum Placements Management

Premier Equities Limited

Premium Placement

Price Stone

Prime Forestry

Reichman Advisory SL

Rementon & Fitzgerald

Richard Watson Associates

Richmond International

Richmond Royce Advisory Services S.L.U.

RJL International Limited

Royal Asset Management of Canada

Schoefer Davis Limited

Smith Fairchild

SpencerFerguson Financial Services/SpencerFerguson Wealth Management

Stanfield Moritz Associates

Stanley Riebeck Corporation

Stein Banc Commerce

Sukumo Group

Tana Corum Holdings

Thibault Capital Markets

Thompson Weinberg

Tresaderns & Partners SL

Trident Market Advisors

Trillium Drake

Union Partners SL (formerly Goldberg Kravitz SL)

US Capital FX*

Van der Halen Equities

Back to top

Wakeford & Goodridge

Walker Stone

Waterhouse Scott Ltd

Webster, Cohen & Galombik Inc

West Shore Ventures Limited

Willmont Financial SL

Windsor Asset Management

World Market Resources

World Trade Financial Corporation

Yee Seng Global

RACS CONSULTING IS ANOTHER BOILER ROOM that has cropped up with internet based phone numbers. They are involved in advance fee scams contacting shareholders of company's telling them they are representing someone who wants to take over the company and buy their shares.
RACS Consulting - Contact Us
Total Scam, beware. The FSA has been notified.
Hi, can anyone give me some advice on dealing with Crown Capital Management. Is this also a scam ?? Thanks all.

I don't know Crown Capital Management but the fact that you're asking is encouraging.
General indication that it's a scam:
If they cold called you with an offer of making an exceptional return on an investment.
If they are not UK based, registered with the FSA.
If their address is just a serviced office somewhere. (Easily checked) It could be in London. There is no check whatsoever on who is using these serviced offices as postal addresses.
If they claim to be UK based but don't accept your proposal to meet them at their office the next day.
If they claim that they are authorized by some overseas authority. Almost certainly it's either non-exstent or they're not registered.
If they ask you to send money to an overseas account- even if it's a well established bank. The banks don't have any control oer who opens an account with them.
If they tell you this is a start-up company which is going to be floated in the near future.
If they claim somebody wants to purchase existing scam shares you are holding for tax loss purposes.
If they tell you your money will be held in an Escrow account.

The fact that they cold call you with this amazing offer is actually enough to make you put the phone down but most people can't resist listening to their
bull---- . My advice is don't go there. Hope you haven't already thrown your money into their black hole.
I have a simple rule just as I NEVER buy on the doorstep,I NEVER buy from cold callers on the phone either.

Frankly I am already annoyed that they have disturbed me when I am doing other things or relaxing.

Think of it this way if the phone company said do you want to opt into recieving sales calls from people you don't konw trying to sell you stuff you would hardly say yes thats a service I would like!
OMG!! Why are there so many names listed? Are they all boiler room scams? How can so many companies be doing shady dealings? The rules and regulations clearly need updating and quickly!!
OMG!! Why are there so many names listed? Are they all boiler room scams? How can so many companies be doing shady dealings? The rules and regulations clearly need updating and quickly!!

There are rules and laws, however criminals have a nasty habit of disregarding them. There are hundreds of names but probably a much smaller number of criminal groups running them. As soon as one of them gets exposed they just make up a new name and start again.
It's absolutely unreal that more is not done to stop this!! How can an economy thrive when millions of pounds are disappearing out the financial system to fraudsters overseas?? Why are we in the EU and why do we pay the salaries of MEPs if there is no jurisdiction or legislation to prevent these people from operating??
The method I described was in response to a memeber who had asked how the scam is perpetuated and how we became victims, not in response to request for specific info.

I will not give any specific info out on this site as the boiler rooms have spys..

you need to write me a private email first using this website.

I have had my safety threatend by one of the boiler rooms, so I need to verify your authenticity.

This fraud is fully integrated from start to finish..they are very well orgnanised, resourced and motivated.
The only way to get your money back is by taking court action, and for that you need about 60K spare on legal and court fees!!!! the police are not interested especially the UK police!!
I was sucessful in getting money back from hong kong
Hi Kathleen and anyone who is feeling let down by HSBC.
We are also the victims of a boiler room scam and it is so frustrating that two years after sending our money to Hong Kong, we got a letter from them telling us to be aware of 'boiler room' scams! Would gladly join with you and others to get compensation. How did you go about sueing them?

pm for details
Mercator Amalgamated are definitely not a company to get involved in - unfortunately for me I've found out too late. Am I allowed to name names on these threads?
Mercator Amalgamated are definitely not a company to get involved in - unfortunately for me I've found out too late. Am I allowed to name names on these threads?

You can name names but bear in mind they will have used false names when they called you.
I guess they'll be consistent with the names and accents so here goes:-

Matthew Goodman - English
Lloyd Fisher - English
Lewis Maxwell - English
Daniel Barker - South African
David Heathcote - English
Howard Jones - Kiwi
Anthony Murray - English from Liverpool (this guy is a piece of work).
I work for an offshore oil and gas company. Anyway ive been in Batam a while, for those who dont know. Its Indonesia and just off Singapore. There is a group here who operated out of Harbour Bay. We have followed them. They make no secret what they do, looks like noone can stop them. Id assume police are paid off here. They always come into my mates Aussie bar in Nagoya strip. Loud, rude, very working class