Bloomber TV


Well-known member
How many of you listed to bloomberg TV / Radio whilst trading ?

I was up till now a recent fan of Bloomberg listening to their superb advice. I was even going to get their terminal.

This was in the early days getting good results (but I was doing my own analysis), but now I'm beginning to doubt this s***.

In fact I think it has led to some nonsense and disastrous trades and I've become dependent on these pricks for trading advice which has massively reduced my profits.

I think in actual fact they have started to influence my thoughts. There could even be subliminal messages on there so that I lose money not sure ?

Last month I didn't make enough to cover the rent on the office.
ive been investigating this too...if you record the bloomberg tv and then play it backwards there is definitely something should definitely do this...and wear a hat made out of tinfoil at all times, bloomberg can get into your brain if you dont...
I read a comment on another thread about this influencing trading........I think on Monday I am going to switch this s*** off and see how I go for a few weeks.

It like sky TV and the Sun here, turning the british public in zombies leaving them unable to think for themselves.
If I could have it on without being influenced I would as it is good to understand the nonsense that is delivered. However my brain is not made of tin foil so its highly likely it will absorb nonsense and turn it into actual trades which will lead to disastrous results
Quite fancy Betty Liu.

Didn't quite catch all she was saying but :)
Don't listen to this nonsense except for amusement. Make up your own mind using technical or fundamental analysis methods and time scales that are appropriate to your personal style of trading, and then make your trades. More information about the markets does not mean more profitable trading.
No seriously dude, Bloomberg TV put messages in their broadcasts to make you lose money. You can totally blame them. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i have been watching CNBC for a while what i have discovered is that there is not anything valuable,

they only good at discussing why the market behaved the way it did.!!!

nothing good at all. (old information the dust is going out of their mouthes)
Ok heres progress, switched to much higher quality factual channel with no analyst opinions, squawk. And guess what - no loss today.
woah woah this is funny stuff...i havent been able to work out conclusively if ukdaytrader is someone taking the **** or not? either way hillllllarious.

btw i have found whenever if i tap my right ear three times before i enter then i always make a profit...little trading tip for u all there...or try entering standing on one leg and rubbing (seductively and with ur right hand) a 3 year old female duck with a chesty cough...seriously this is the real holy grail, and changing channel is totally linked to you making losses/
If you genuinely believe that Bloomberg TV can affect your trades, or that they might be somehow sending us each individual subliminal messages so that we all lose money in the markets, then you shouldn't be allowed near children, let alone the money that you claim to support yours with from trading. This is beyond pathetic.