Birmingham (UK) FX Traders

Hi. Are there any FX Traders on this forum from Birmingham UK?



Hi David

Yes about 18 miles away near Tamworth Staffs.

I noticed you were also looking for a mentor etc.

I have a had a few threads during the 2 yrs I have been on T2W. Please feel free to check them out. Been full time over 7 yrs now and trading FX in total nearly 13 yrs. Unfortunately I don't do mentoring on a one to one basis - I am not a vendor etc - but have helped several members here on my intraday FX method (totally free ).

Trouble is you do need at least 18 / 24 months of basic FX knowledge and trading behind you already and then my method maybe takes another 6 to 8 months to get to a competent and consistently profitable stage.

I don't know what stage you are at atm - and what type of trading style you are after - but if I can assist as you progress please let me know via here.

I think there is a few different Midland Trading groups who do meet up - went to one about 10 yrs ago but other than a few traders I meet up with down south now and again - I just keep in touch by email etc

Good luck on your journey and i wish you all the best


Hi David

Yes about 18 miles away near Tamworth Staffs.

I noticed you were also looking for a mentor etc.

I have a had a few threads during the 2 yrs I have been on T2W. Please feel free to check them out. Been full time over 7 yrs now and trading FX in total nearly 13 yrs. Unfortunately I don't do mentoring on a one to one basis - I am not a vendor etc - but have helped several members here on my intraday FX method (totally free ).

Trouble is you do need at least 18 / 24 months of basic FX knowledge and trading behind you already and then my method maybe takes another 6 to 8 months to get to a competent and consistently profitable stage.

I don't know what stage you are at atm - and what type of trading style you are after - but if I can assist as you progress please let me know via here.

I think there is a few different Midland Trading groups who do meet up - went to one about 10 yrs ago but other than a few traders I meet up with down south now and again - I just keep in touch by email etc

Good luck on your journey and i wish you all the best



Hi. Thanks for your reply. I am not really looking for a mentor at this stage, I am actually looking for someone who shares the same passion about the market and can exchange their views on few issues etc. Like you mentioned a get together group would be good but I'd rather have someone that I can talk to and ask question if I have any. I have been trading since 2014 (August), so I am past the basic knowledge and I would like to get down seriously to the nitty gritty. Thanks.
Does anyone know about the Trading Groups in Birmingham UK. I would love to get in touch with those people. Thanks in advance.