Binary Query


Junior member
back after a long break having figured this isn't for me, in truth I find racing far easier.

I am reasonably educated and streetwise, so would prefer not to be called a dummy etc.

anyway I keep noticing races sponsored by a binary organisation, so eventually I had a look at the website.

iit seemed to point you towards a binary platform and infer that you would be advised or your account managed by an expert - this is my interpretation I may have missed something. without registering that was as far as I got.

now I'd quite like to make thousands by doing nothing, I am often guided by the "if it looks like a duck and quacks...." metaphor, so I'd be interested in your advice, my inner greedy person says "stick in £250 and make thousands" while Mr Sensible says "here we go again....."

interested in advice of a straightforward kind. can't face any tubes about it "right I'd like to start by saying first of all that......."
back after a long break having figured this isn't for me, in truth I find racing far easier.

I am reasonably educated and streetwise, so would prefer not to be called a dummy etc.

anyway I keep noticing races sponsored by a binary organisation, so eventually I had a look at the website.

iit seemed to point you towards a binary platform and infer that you would be advised or your account managed by an expert - this is my interpretation I may have missed something. without registering that was as far as I got.

now I'd quite like to make thousands by doing nothing, I am often guided by the "if it looks like a duck and quacks...." metaphor, so I'd be interested in your advice, my inner greedy person says "stick in £250 and make thousands" while Mr Sensible says "here we go again....."

interested in advice of a straightforward kind. can't face any tubes about it "right I'd like to start by saying first of all that......."

With binary options you are trading against the broker, if you win they lose, therefore you're not going to win. Some of the brokers tried spamming us a while back, in the end they admitted two things, first you are going to lose your money, binary options are to be considered as 'financial entertainment', secondly they admitted that they used fake addresses to ensure unhappy customers can't pay them a visit.
Yes, they're 'experts' all right, in making money for their company and not the client...