Better Spread Rates


Hi all

I have spoken to several spread betting brokers and they have
informed me a spread of 2 points can be provided if I have a group of traders that would be interested in signing up, so if you are interested in greater profits then email me and i will coordinate a group and group rate.

It would be useful to know how often and to what level you trade spreads.


IF you can persuade Fins or CMC to mover their spreads to 2 points on the dow, we'll all owe you a beer 🙂
As a further addittion to my last post. I should have said.
Gimme, gimme.

I'm all for that. It doesn't matter which company it is does it. As long as the online side is reasonable and quick with even half decent charts.
Could even manage any bias with a hint of a smile as well. (Nearly).

The only thing that stops me trading bigger with the sb's has been the silly spreads...

I'm in.

Email on it's way.

Oh, and are you a new moderator to the site Buddha?


Count me in. I spreadbet on the Dow all the time, so it would save me a fotune.
Count me too!

But.... be very very quiet , the government might hear you, then guess what comes next!
"I have spoken to several spread betting brokers and they have
informed me a spread of 2 points can be provided if I have a group of traders that would be interested in signing up"

Er... am I the only to to ask - on what ???

I mean 2 points on the FTSE would be nice, but 2 points on MONI I can live without.
Great idea Buddha, how big the group they want from you? 5000 traders? or one million? Any way, count me in to support you.