Do Spread Betting companies limit or boot winners?
Let's say there is a select group that is very profitable in the long term, would a website boot them and stop them from getting a bet?
No they dont. But its a comfortable idea for a consistent loser to have. Which conclusion do you think the bulk of these guys will come to?
Ive lost money, its because:-
i) Im crap at at trading.
ii) My speadbet robbed me.
Put yourself in their shoes. You have two clients at the ends of the spectrum. lenny loser and never miss a win tim.
Lenny loser just cannot make a profit. Whatever lennys doing hes constantly on the wrong side at every turn. Youre happy to take to take the other side of lennys bets and will even do him a favour if he rings the desk complaining about the slippage on his last stop.
Never miss a win tim on the other hand is way out there, a true outlier among your winning clients. Hes always advertising his intentions with his orders and never takes the micky with your pricing. So what are you going to do with tim?
A) Mess with his trades in the hope he gets pizzed off and moves to another broker.
B) Pass his trades directly to your liquidity provider.
C) Coatail his trades at ten times his size.
Have at look at this thread the
Other side of the screen. It will give you some insight as to how they see us.