
Steve PK

Hi all. I was recently contacted by Global Markets Australia, Sydney where they offer trading suggestions for world indicies, then using the BetOnMarkets system to run the trade. Of the 20 odd suggestions most were successsful. Membership is a staggering amount of money, which you can see can be recovered using the system trialed. The trades are recorded on facebook/twitter for transperancy, this part appears legit and the trades and prior trades and facebook notifications all validate. Has anyone had experience with this group.
Betonmarket is a great site. I have been trading it for years with success. Just do your due diligence before taking any action.
Betonmarket is a great site. I have been trading it for years with success. Just do your due diligence before taking any action.

pls do u know anything about global markets australia who trade on index trading thrugh betonmarkets

with tks
I've got a friend that uses Global Markets Australia, he advice me against using them. This is several months ago in March and April but since then he say that they are doing alright. However, if had the chance to do it all again he wouldn't go with them, as his still has made any money yet.

To be fair, he initial loss and then got dishearten using their alerts so he trades irregularly using their alerts.

My advice would be best to ask for a trial period or ever using the money that you would use to subscribe to the service and trade but start out very small amount even $2 payout until you have a winning strategy
Read the other thread about GMA.

Company is dodgy, for so many reasons it is ridiculous. Ask them to send you their official trade results, they only have some twitter and fbook results, which don;t show the actual alert, so it is impossible to verify their trades/bets. Also their success rate is around 75% using the 1st and 2nd hour double up strategy , which is the same as flipping a coin many times.
If you are happy with some wins, imagine the trades were losses, you will lose 3 times as much as you win. You can wipe your investment in a few days if it goes against you a few days in a row.