Betonmarkets & Betsforttraders reliability


I have just started flash trading on Betonmarkets and Betsfortraders and been quite successful.
I have heard about other brokers changing the odds more to their favour if you are winning to much. There was even someone who closed down the account and would not pay out the money.
My questions are:
1) Can you trust Betonmarkets and Betsfortraders letting me withdraw money or is it better to be careful and withdraw the money as often as possible?
2) Does anyone know if they have any strategy changing the odds if you are too successful?
3) IF these providers close your account or change the odds when you are to successful, at what level would that happen? When you made a £1000 profit, or at £100000? Or maybe if you consistently make a profit no matter how big it is?
Would be great if anyone has any experince from these brokers and could let me know.


I have had an account with Betonmarkets for 5 years and have not experienced any difficulty in withdrawing money.

I am not aware of them changing the odds - as you can get a price for a bet without logging you could easily see if it was your account which was being disadvantaged with different odds.

Don't know the answer to 3 - but they need successful players in order to attract new customers.

Just my views - no experience of live trading with Betsfortraders I'm afraid