Ban all hindsight traders

Firstly because anyone can make a claim after the event "the stocks I am losing on is are dow "buy on dip stocks" , after the event , but the stock which goes in the profit on anyone's account are posted with profits .

He say I got 50 with his set set up , but he no say he losing 600 , because he say "long term investment = me Warren Buffett"

Under the constituition I ask these hindsight results traders to be banned , unless they can post 5 consecutive FORESIGHT TRADES , 1 day in advance.

The hindsight traders do no justice to the members , because of the fallacy of their trades,

Watch the sh*t hit the fan when the commendations for the fakest thread in T2W comes to light. What does that say about T2W?

To my knowledge this is impoossible at ET. The op of that thread would be cott in broad daylight in uner a few days. destriero would surely catch him and so would Fibo. so would Xela and sure would NoDoji. Baron would smell a rat and catch on within a week.

But here? these mothers are all deadbeats, snoring.
Thread title: Hidsight trading

Why is hindsight trading so prevalent?

Because THEY left their boring slave, belittling jobs with the hope of escaping to a new life of free time, luxury and plenty of money. We know that >97% fail to accomplish this. But wait: it does not stop there. They got a taste of the heroin and now cannot leave, they just cannot leave the game so they get into forums so they can stay with the game but the problem is that its all just hocus-pocus FA or TA with no kahunas on the line. AKA Hindsight trading. Its the next best thing. RISK = 0 = can't be hurt = can't gt hurt = survival guaranteed = unf****in real = a miracle

Now TA with no kahunas on the line is going to be taken to a whole new level at Fibo University.

After a complete study of John Murphy's TA textbook, students will spend a year studying the ultimate college textbook, TA of stock trends ............... by editor & my friend Charles Bassetti (author)

Then and only then do they come to fibo for the creme de la creme.

And what might that creme be?

Why of course its going to be super hard technical problems to slove in the same way as we did in Engineering ............ no name of the stock or instrument, right edge of chart cut off, history provided and included in the problem on both monthly and weekly. Then the student goes to town to solve it. Student will get buggered on a daily basis as these problems will be super tough, so tough that they will cry in agony

They get this, they can do any f****in thing.

then and only then we throw in real money = the ultimate test. Pass this and you're a MAN.

In other aspects of real life the only comparison that comes even remotely close to the above Trading example is what Roosh did when we did a trip to Eastern Europe together and I showed him how a one-call CLOSE goes down - could be used with any product, but here it was bringing down young antelopes. The video is about Big Joe
