Is this formula for calculating Average Trade Expectancy correct?
Ex = (W% * AW - L% * AL)/T
W% - percentage of winners of all non-scratch trades
AW - average winner (ticks)
L% - percentage of losers of all non-scratch trades
AL - average loser.
T - number all non-scratch trades
Multiplying Ex by T should give the total number of ticks made - is that correct?
The problem is, it does not. Am I doing something wrong here?
Ex = (W% * AW - L% * AL)/T
W% - percentage of winners of all non-scratch trades
AW - average winner (ticks)
L% - percentage of losers of all non-scratch trades
AL - average loser.
T - number all non-scratch trades
Multiplying Ex by T should give the total number of ticks made - is that correct?
The problem is, it does not. Am I doing something wrong here?