Attn : Eurostoxx Traders


Junior member

This is a question aimed at eurostoxx futures traders, who have at least 2 years experience and clip a minimum of 50-100 lots.
I trade in an arcade where there are very few eurostoxx traders and non that is a big trader with a vast experience, so it would to handy to get the view point of bigger and experienced traders !

Ive been doing ok in the stoxx in general, however up until 2 weeks ago since this excess volatility came into the market ive been struggling to say the least !
70-100 ticks ranges is obviously nice to have on the stoxx, however the volatility that comes with the territory is hard to get used to.

I want to ask any guys out there clipping a min of 50 lots, how are you going in these conditions??
Has your trading style changed ?
Do you tend jus to stay out completely and really wait for your entry point i.e. 60 min levels.
Or are you getting involved and finding out you get stopped out very easily and often??

My normal clip is 30's - 50's, in these markets i feel its far to dangerous to do this size. The silly thing is that this kind of size is not even big for the eurostoxx !

Any feedback from you guys would be greatly appreciated.
Try waiting for what feels like a sure bet. I'll wait hours for the right opportunity, but am still putting through my usual volume. The volatility of the last couple of weeks hasn't really affected my strategies.

euribor_tr4der said:

This is a question aimed at eurostoxx futures traders, who have at least 2 years experience and clip a minimum of 50-100 lots.
I trade in an arcade where there are very few eurostoxx traders and non that is a big trader with a vast experience, so it would to handy to get the view point of bigger and experienced traders !

Ive been doing ok in the stoxx in general, however up until 2 weeks ago since this excess volatility came into the market ive been struggling to say the least !
70-100 ticks ranges is obviously nice to have on the stoxx, however the volatility that comes with the territory is hard to get used to.

I want to ask any guys out there clipping a min of 50 lots, how are you going in these conditions??
Has your trading style changed ?
Do you tend jus to stay out completely and really wait for your entry point i.e. 60 min levels.
Or are you getting involved and finding out you get stopped out very easily and often??

My normal clip is 30's - 50's, in these markets i feel its far to dangerous to do this size. The silly thing is that this kind of size is not even big for the eurostoxx !

Any feedback from you guys would be greatly appreciated.