Astro Trading Scalpers


Well-known member
Always read that Astro trading is for longer term trading, but recent advances in software that can tell us to the second and minute when planetary movements/ingresses/regressions are happening can this be used to scalp the market?
Always read that Astro trading is for longer term trading, but recent advances in software that can tell us to the second and minute when planetary movements/ingresses/regressions are happening can this be used to scalp the market?
The planets can be many light-minutes away, for example, Jupiter is about 43 light-minutes away.

Does the trade signal trigger when the planet ACTUALLY is in a specific position in the sky, or when the light/signal reaches you?

I remember a trading seminar many years ago, and was shown some incredibly interesting planetary stuff, but the time-frames were weeks / months / years. (eg, Jupiter. Saturn, Neptune, etc)
So scalping is an interesting spin on this subject.

Do you have any links or info on this? Sounds intriguing.