ARM: Reverse head @ shoulders

ARM: Reverse head @ shoulders

Is that a reverse head and shoulders ARM has just broken out of ??

If ARM gets back to 300p should be in for some fun, especially if ARM delivers the goods on the 15th.

So in the light of the chart of the 10th Oct, are you suggesting to long it?

It's now on my watch list anyway!

Just not clear what you anticipate.

300p is a major support/resistance for ARM, since its drop to it late Febuary 2001, ARM seems to jo-jo around it 280p - 310p, as its broken out of a reverse head and shoulders at this level, and is reporting on the 15th, and there is a war on.........??

No suggestion, of a long, a short or any other direction, a comment of an interesting looking chart only.

Personally i wouldn't be long on any stock at the moment, short term is the way in todays turmoil imo.

Good luck
ARM having gone through 350p and looking well oversold, next stop 390p if continues its upward surge. Its pushing its popularity at these levels, realistically should return to 300p imo.