Apologies to Chuck at E Signal


Legendary member
In my haste to keep this BB free from blatant free commercial plugging, I failed to notice that one plug I had removed from "Chuck" was in fact part of a "Paid For" Banner Advert by our kind sponsors e-Signal.
My appologies to e-Signal and Chuck.

Martin (Chartman),

No problem. Glad we at eSignal can support your site.

I really like this Trade2Win site. It has a nice mix of US, UK, and European traders here. I think we'll learn a lot about the UK users and markets by being here.

At eSignal, we have plans to upgrade our UK and European services this year by offering more Level 2 (or market depth) information on European data and adding UK news from AFX.

Keep up the good work!

Chuck Thompson

European news and level 2 would be great. Are there any plans for supplying greater history for UK stocks, i.e. more than the 2-3 years worth that you have at present?


I'll tell you what we want in the UK. An EASY platform that doesn't involve 20 sheets of paper application forms and a myriad of other mumbo jumbo red tape stuff. Sure we have to do the money laundering protection bit..... USA L2 and simple fees that we can all understand .
More UK data ...

Yes, we are adding more UK data soon. Expect 5 more years (3 there now) in June. QA is cleaning it up and it should be released soon.

On the paper work - it is all paperless - click and agree - a bunch of it but all online.

Hi All,

I'd like to ask Chuck at eSignal if they're going to put the latest version 7.3 on a disc to download rather than over the web.

Downloading v7.2 took me eons and I'm not looking forward to 7.3, ps. I've only got a 56k modem (maybe broadband one day).


PS. Good package though.