Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Pop failed
excellent stuff

So when would you know its the start of a correction /crash?
When the credit ratings of G7 Economies/Governments are slashed to trash.
{ and their corresponding ability to print unlimited money is thereby curtailed ]
Not happening yet.

These things tend to happen in the Autumn/ 3rd Quarter.
Usually following record highs/ bumper harvests/ dizzying prosperity.

Make no mistake, the long term debt cycle correction will reap devastation, and soonish, by all indications.
As to what will set that off and exactly when, you might as well throws darts at a calendar.

What we do unquestionably know, is that the underlying figures/factors dwarf those of previous famous past calamities like 'the great depression' and 'world wars'.

Consider yourself lucky to be alive to profit from it.

Does everyone agree could this be the start of a correction /crash?

When the credit ratings of G7 Economies/Governments are slashed to trash.
{ and their corresponding ability to print unlimited money is thereby curtailed ]
Not happening yet.

These things tend to happen in the Autumn/ 3rd Quarter.
Usually following record highs/ bumper harvests/ dizzying prosperity.

Make no mistake, the long term debt cycle correction will reap devastation, and soonish, by all indications.
As to what will set that off and exactly when, you might as well throws darts at a calendar.

What we do unquestionably know, is that the underlying figures/factors dwarf those of previous famous past calamities like 'the great depression' and 'world wars'.

Consider yourself lucky to be alive to profit from it.

So you're ready for a big short then a buy and hold at the lowest?