Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Well thats the final nail in the coffin for intertrader - their platform went down at 7.01 and is still down now. You have to telephone them to deal. :LOL:

What a bunch of muppets.
Glad I have an IG account as well.
Well thats the final nail in the coffin for intertrader - their platform went down at 7.01 and is still down now. You have to telephone them to deal. :LOL:

What a bunch of muppets.
Glad I have an IG account as well.

strange how u lose them when u need them most.
Well thats the final nail in the coffin for intertrader - their platform went down at 7.01 and is still down now. You have to telephone them to deal. :LOL:

What a bunch of muppets.
Glad I have an IG account as well.

Just came back up - 14 minutes of downtime.
Still nothing happened in the last 14 minutes did it? :LOL:

Thats why you pay the extra point spread on ig.... :rolleyes:
My personal opinion (and you know I'm not afraid to give it solicited or not).
No taper, and wording to suggest taper starts in March. (y)

Any other views?

Wrong and yet profitable. :confused:

You know SD that means Oscar was wrong too. :eek:
