Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

greenspan bullish on stocks

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said stock market momentum is heading upward.

“In a sense, we are actually at relatively low stock prices,” Greenspan, who guided the central bank for more than 18 years, said in an interview with Sara Eisen on Bloomberg Television.

“Indeed I say that so-called equity premiums are still at a very high level, and that means that the momentum of the market is still ultimately up.”

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As usual you've found some great reporting.
"The SocGen asset allocation team predicts the S&P 500 will fall by around 15% when the Federal Reserve winds down its quantitative easing program, then go nowhere for years."
Thats very worrying and more than likely true. But will they ever stop pumping money into the system?


a lot of chatter on the alternative press about dollar/us collapse. some respected people
At this quiet hour of the morning I can just about hear the jingle of bells. Is the santa rally on its way already? :LOL:
morning postman, morning everyone.

you seem very eager this morning.

are u leading the t2w comp?

dow cash buy/sell 434/392

be bullish while dow remains above 434, its 466 currently if it holds this into cash session then we have very big upside.

HSBC china pmi was strong will boost dax bulls, to push it over 9000 soon
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