Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dont worry about me - I've been trading long enough to brush off bad trades and idle banter.
I know you post some good stuff on the Dax thread and people (including me) will benefit from it.
My fear is that we will corrupt you, as in one of your early posts you said you couldnt remember when you made 4 trades in one day (one or two max) but now you seem to trade very frequently.
The people on this site arent competing against each other - we all have the same goal - to beat "The market". (y)

No probs, I'm just joining in with more trades since I joined T2W on the DJIA. I can control myself and know when to quit/stop if things go sour. If it makes money I will continue, if it stops and I started losing, then I will stop trading it.

Its all cool.


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You call it, and I will trade it at £5 per point (or total risk of £250), if the trade wins I will donate the profit to charity, if it stops out I take the hit.

Up for that?

The reason is I'm obviously biased on the downside today and so I wouldn't risk my money and certainly not someone elses. But I appreciate the sentiment.
Got to be worth an offer of 100 bucks.


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The Dow only made it to 15289 overnight. The Dax did the wild thing at 7am but is falling back now.
No predictions today, just trading the moves.
The FTSE has been setting lower highs since 22 May, I think that may change soon. :eek:
6625 is within reach! If she retraces down to the 6500 area - I'm long.
The dow has been testing the downside and it looks like 15320 will go tonight.
15272 close for me and maybe a big gap open tomorrow....

(But I'm a natural bear.)

I think 15272 is a gimme now. And the big gap open ...
Just a bit early on the call.