Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

You might as well ask "What if the sky falls in". Lose money shorting the FTSE. Stuff and nonsense.

Seriously - you couldn't make this up. We will be sitting with our grandchildren on our knees in days to come (when the Dow is at 4,000) saying "I remember buying the Dow at record highs in the biggest recession the world has ever seen and making money"... and they won't believe ya.

You might as well ask "What if the sky falls in". Lose money shorting the FTSE. Stuff and nonsense.

Seriously - you couldn't make this up. We will be sitting with our grandchildren on our knees in days to come (when the Dow is at 4,000) saying "I remember buying the Dow at record highs in the biggest recession the world has ever seen and making money"... and they won't believe ya.

haha i know im only messing about this market is so hard ot trade 2 days of big economic misses and we still cant go down ! Let me know when your wife goes down then we can short the market :LOL:
Definition of snaffle
(also snaffle bit) (on a bridle) a simple bit, typically a jointed one, used with a single set of reins.
(also snaffle bridle) a bridle with a snaffle bit.
[with object] British informal
take (something) for oneself, typically quickly or without permission:
shall we snaffle some of Bernard’s sherry?

mid 16th century (denoting a bridle bit): probably from Low German or Dutch; compare with Middle Low German, Middle Dutch snavel 'beak, mouth'. The verb (mid 19th century) is perhaps a different word

i like it rhymes with waffle:)
Is that a head and shoulders on the Dow.
A break of 280 says no.
A dip from now and the sky falls in.
Just come back from a big meeting and found market -2pts. Must have been some major news for a correction like that - obama assassinated or something ?
Well at least we are seeing some selling, not like previous days.
That gives me a warm feeling that people are sitting up and paying attention.
Maybe some normality returns in the coming trading sessions...
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the top is in.
Well at least we are seeing some selling, not like previous days.
That gives me a warm feeling that people are sitting up and paying attention.
Maybe some normality returns in the coming trading sessions...
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the top is in.

Be new high in the next hour :confused:
Those girlies in the dealing rooms in London are playing hard to get.
They'll give it up soon. High's tomorrow.
Dow +3 should put FTSE at 6721 but i think petrol price fixing enquiry is making BP/RDSA lag since they are both down about 0.4/0.6 %