Anyone fancy a game of darts

:LOL: my ambition is to be left with less than 100 to score before my pal Bill is shouting in glee finishing off his 301 up with double seventeen as usual. Perhaps I'll try and blind him with a bit of statistical probability - but I doubt he'll be impressed. He's got hollow legs as well, so plying him with drink doesn't work either!!
good article, cheers for sharing. the dart boards are nice colours too.
that was a fun read. (I played along, and thought the optimal area would be where the aggregate value of 3 consecutive regions had the highest score, so I thought aiming at 14 (with 9 and 11 as "missing" either side) or 16 (with 8 and 7 either side if you missed) would be best for bad players.

however, if you're a bad player, the hurdle of going out on a double still has to be addressed. a certain amount of accuracy has to be acquired to be able to finish well.

nice read.