Anyone ever kept their NY resolution ?


Legendary member
It's almost defying "The Gods " to make a resolution and then keep it.

Something small and easy maybe ?????

Like trying not to forget the keys when going out
What fun would that be?
If I actually kept my NY resolution(s) I'd kill my 40 year streak.

My brother resolves to lose weight every year. By Jan 3rd or 4th he ends up losing a minuscule amount, then celebrates with donuts and ice cream.

I was so determined to accomplish my NY reso last year that I resolved not to do something I am never likely to do

Yep, I never climbed any mountains all year :clap:
I saw some stats reporting that only 12% of those making NYR keep them which would not seem unreasonable in my view.

I made one and broke it straight away but started again mid Jan 2010 and have held it since. Also quit smoking 7 1/2 months ago. Been smoking since I was 11 lol.
Yes, decided 5 years ago to cut back on the booze. Didn't have a beer/drink for a week, then a month, then it became 2, then I just gave it up, havn't touched a drop since. :)
I stopped smoking 5 years ago. I had a Romeo & Julieta cigar on my 40th last year but that doesn't count IMO.
I figure if you are going to give something up, start a diet or whatever - you should just do it.

I think setting a specific start date is setting yourself up for failure.
I figure if you are going to give something up, start a diet or whatever - you should just do it.

I think setting a specific start date is setting yourself up for failure.

You need a degree of mental preparation to kick a substance which creates a psychological and physiological dependency. Setting a date is a vehicle for mentally preparing to start the transition and is useful IMO. NYD is a sh1t day to pick though because of the association with failure.
Horses for courses.

IMO only thing stopping you from sticking out a resolution or kicking a bad habit is whether or not you actually want to.
My resolution for 2011 better be something positive like:-

Shagging as many beautiful women as possible

i keep some of my resolutions but not all maybe the other plan were a little hard for me i feel they are unrealistic this year my resolution is working hard and earn a lot of monney
a survey showed that the most pupular resolution in this year is lose weight