Any trading Guru's out there who want a project?


Junior member
I am looking for some advice. I have several trending and non trending strategies based on what seems to make sense. These are available if any successful trader has the time or inclination to offer any advice.

Malcom Pryor and Chuck Le Beaue offer a great deal and I have adapted some of their ideas. I have been trading for 5 years( spread betting) and have improved my performance a lot but it is still not good enough. I seem to have strategies that work but only when the market allows this ie . I have a position on a break out move only to see it reverse and hit the stop loss a day later. It appears that I cannot factor in market sentiment or predict it for just a few days. eg. I trade when the market is going up only for it to reverse very soon Am I possessed?
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Regards John
you need to adjust your trade timing.... on the entry and or exit side.
picking better trade setups will also benefit your performance.
you need to adjust your trade timing.... on the entry and or exit side.
picking better trade setups will also benefit your performance.

Thank you for replying and for your advice. I will try to impliment them. Regarding the timing comment - are you refering to my timing in regards to the stock I intend to trade or timing regarding market sentiment?

I have include an attachment of one of my strategies. If you had the time to view it and would welcome any feedback, no matter how harsh.

My exit strategie is not clear on the attachment. I basically select from up to 4 exit strategies depending on the type of trade and the length of time I expect to be in it. I also have included a copy too and would welcome any comments too.

Regards John


I am looking for some advice. I have several trending and non trending strategies based on what seems to make sense. These are available if any successful trader has the time or inclination to offer any advice.

Malcom Pryor and Chuck Le Beaue offer a great deal and I have adapted some of their ideas. I have been trading for 5 years( spread betting) and have improved my performance a lot but it is still not good enough. I seem to have strategies that work but only when the market allows this ie . I have a position on a break out move only to see it reverse and hit the stop loss a day later. It appears that I cannot factor in market sentiment or predict it for just a few days. eg. I trade when the market is going up only for it to reverse very soon Am I possessed?
Any feedback would be appreciated.

Regards John

If your system is not working why would you offer it in return for advice?

If you have been trading for 5 years and cant make any money, then your system should probably be scrapped. Most systems do not work, so you are not alone in that regard. There are page after page of forums with systems that do not work. The only reason some systems work is because the people that trade them are smart enough to break their own rules.

If you are a technical trader, I would suggest automating your systems. Mainly for the purpose of testing. If you automate them, you cant break the rules, so you will know if your system works or not.

If you are a technical trader, I would suggest looking more at fundamentals. Fundamentals are the powerhouse behind the market. Technical analysts will fail and lag if the market is being moved for fundamental reasons.
Thank you very much for your reply, I do appreciate your interest.

I have been changing my system through evolution, so I have not been trading it in its current form for long. That is why I offered it for others to view who might give me their feedback.

I began as a fundamental trader but changed to technical analysis since I always read that the fundamentals were displayed in the charts and through relative strength. As far as fundamentals are concerned, once again it concerned with knowledge. I look at PEG, PE ratios, EPS and forecast EPS growth rate and relative strength to select the stocks to trade - do I need to a lot more?

I seem to have more luck with FOREX .

I do not have the knowledge or the programming my skills to automate my system and back test it. That is something I would really like to do. That is why at the moment I am a discretionary trader and probably explains some of my inconsistency. Any more advice would be welcome. As you are an Australian I have used breakout methods based on Alan Hull (another Ozzie) - yours views?

Regards John

If your system is not working why would you offer it in return for advice?

If you have been trading for 5 years and cant make any money, then your system should probably be scrapped. Most systems do not work, so you are not alone in that regard. There are page after page of forums with systems that do not work. The only reason some systems work is because the people that trade them are smart enough to break their own rules.

If you are a technical trader, I would suggest automating your systems. Mainly for the purpose of testing. If you automate them, you cant break the rules, so you will know if your system works or not.

If you are a technical trader, I would suggest looking more at fundamentals. Fundamentals are the powerhouse behind the market. Technical analysts will fail and lag if the market is being moved for fundamental reasons.
Am I possessed?

Your are not. The answer lies in why you think the market must give you a profit ? When you put in an order, you are saying to the market you are willing to give it a certain amount of money. It shouldn't be surprising then that the market takes that certain amount from you. There is no reason why the market wouldn't, given that it is free money.