any props in israel?

Long time (double meaning he he)

been a long time...
I left MatrixABC (now called Matrix Capital Markets)...
heard lots of other good people left...and I know almost no one trades euribor anymore...they all transferred to short sterling or short swiss...

nowdays i trade MAOF for one of the largest investment groups in israel, and I miss my BUND very much :LOL: :LOL:

anyone knows a prop firm that trades MAOF and pays percentages of profits? (I get 6 months, ever expanding, bonus)...

when I stopped trading euribor and started trading bund outright, the volumes they let me trade were cut to the minimum (get to know the market scheme...),
that makes my covering the losses from euribor really slow, and the job market was pretty hot, so i got a job with a really nice pay...
that's great

I hope you will succeed at your new job. if you have the mind of a winner - nothing will stop you ...:LOL:
hi amnonco, i am actually seriously thinking about opening a prop shop in israel (we already have on ein montreal). i was wondering if you can tell me what the interest level is in israel for futures trading and how knowledgeable people are there. thanks


Hi, I was wonderign if you made anything of that prop house as I am currently trading in London and would like to make the move to Israel. Please let me know ([email protected])



With recent change in Isrsael Tax Laws I'm very surprised there are not more prop firms / trading arcades opening up.

I note the CamFutures are no longer in operation are there any other shops out there I am missing ?

If someone has any info please pos on the bb or mail me @ [email protected].


* 10 year Israeli tax exemption on income and capital gains derived outside Israel by new residents and returning residents (lived abroad 10 years) who arrived after January 1, 2007.
oh yeah,
that would mean the same though for any type of business not just trading arcades.
That is corect yes.

Going back to my previous question are there really no trading arcades / rooms in Tel Aviv then?
there are a few.

most of them support trading the tel aviv stock exchange or NYSE.
there aren't any that i know of (i know most of them) that offer futures support
Perfect I trade long short US equity can you give me any contact names or numbers please. Would be most appreacited.
Ajax86, Thanks for heads up in TA atm and spoke to HR manager @ GHF but they dont offer desk or facilities for outsiders all their traders are 'in-house.'

I have one meeting this afternoon and thats about it. Never thought in a place like TA it would be so hard too find trading rooms!