Ski instructor - income is next to nothing but freedom + quality of life are high. Ideally I'd combine trading with skiing and use the income to fund being a ski bum year-round.
I day dreamed about that
A chalet in France, and a chalet in New Zealand thank you very much!
But my problems with it are -
1) skiing is bloody hard work, physically very tiring.
2) skiing all year round, I'd be sun burnt to smiitherines
3) Skiing is also painful - on the knees and on the feet. Sure, you might get used to rock hard, cold ski boots feeling like they are about to make your feet drop off, but there's little you can do about the arthritis in your knees etc.
For me, i decided that skiing is altogether too complicated and stressful a process. Too much equipment needed, too dangerous, too many variables that determine whether you enjoy it or not (wind, rain, snow, sleet, high temperatures, low temperatures, goood visibility, poor visibility, uplift, downlift)...........compared to an activity that is much simpler - like, tobaganning!!