5G and all that.

1. The question about the safety of the technology? That is a question about the functionality of 5G, ie. to transmit data using a defined bandwidth at a certain power using equipment designed to allow this.

The answer to this is unknown to a great many people, has been controversial for decades and is never put forth by the proponents of the technology (or if it has, then where is it?).

Why do the proponents of new technologies never point out the risks, no matter how small, so that all the information is clear and understood and transparent thereby avoiding the speculation and disruption and ongoing controversy that we see?

Why not setup an independent research group where industry, science and users can come together to discuss to granular detail to the nth degree and reach a sensible conclusion that the vast majority can understand. This group could be the final arbiter of acceptance with ongoing monitoring of the technology to provide assurance to the public that what has been said is what is implemented?

Without a doubt you are an intelligent and well educated person, however I am still trying to ascertain what you mean by ‘THE’ technology. Sorry, I know I am being tedious, but I know my technical understanding because of my education and background, but I don’t know yours. I take for granted that when I explain something you know exactly what I mean.

You write: “The problem is not one of whether the electromagnetic spectrum is dangerous to humans (the problem here is that it's not it has not been communicated to the level of trust needed), the problem is of trust.”

Are you saying that the electromagnetic spectrum is ‘THE’ technology that people don’t trust? If so then I am confused because electromagnetic radiation is a natural phenomenon of the Universe, it was not invented by humans. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, which is ‘THE’ technology, but the visible light it emits is electromagnetic radiation that the human eye is sensitive to, and it has been around since the big bang.

I’m sorry if I have insulted your intelligence, but in reading your post I am still having trouble trying to figure out exactly what needs further investigation and clarification.

Do you think that there needs to be much more testing and investigation into non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation to find out if it is harmful to humans? If so, why has nobody been worried about the vast array of non-ionizing RF technology that have existed prior to the 5G hysteria? Are you worried about AM radio transmitters? FM radio transmitters? If not, why not?
Yes of course the electromagnetic spectrum is THE technology that is causing the most consternation. It matters not if you are an expert or not, if the fear is real, then it is real, and the effects of the fear are worse than the effects of THE technology.

So how do you remove the fear of THE technology and therefore bring it into wide acceptance?

Do you just roll it out without any consultation with the local population, do you just cut down trees without proper consultation?

Of course you don't, you consult, educate, have a period of cooling off and discussion.

Has any of that happened?

And then once you have answered that question, then ask yourself why 5G is objected to so strongly based on [baseless] RF grounds (and that is just one objection)!
And then we have stories like this (sorry it links with Covid19, which is where we have splintered this thread from), how much truth is there in this, is this happening elsewhere also (eg UK)? Hard to imagine industry would be so quick to respond like this without prior planning and preparation, however state sponsored resources have plenty of time and spare manpower nowadays.

Signalcalc, are you concerned about 'THE' technology? As I have obviously inadequetly explained, the electromagnetic spectrum is NOT technology, it is an explanation of what already exists in nature and how humans use it. There is nothing you can do to dispel the fears of people who can't understand this...nothing I can think of anyway. There are people who believe the earth is flat and nothing will change their mind.
Signalcalc, are you concerned about 'THE' technology? As I have obviously inadequetly explained, the electromagnetic spectrum is NOT technology, it is an explanation of what already exists in nature and how humans use it. There is nothing you can do to dispel the fears of people who can't understand this...nothing I can think of anyway. There are people who believe the earth is flat and nothing will change their mind.

I'm not concerned about the RF spectrum at all, not sure where you've got that from, plenty of other people apparently are though, this is what we are exploring on this thread.

To define THE technology is quite difficult as there are multiple 3rd parties, producing technology to exploit the RF spectrum for 5G. Even for us egg heads, we do not have an agreed definition. For the sake of science, and our collective sanities (if we have any) we should agree a definition, I propose:

Any aspect of 5G that is involved in the production or support of the transmission or reception of RF frequencies in the range that the 5G governing bodies specify to be within the official definition of 5G, whether that be the hardware, software, infrastructure, support or radio frequencies used.

For the purposes of this thread's discussion, to include the wider subject areas related to 5G be they politics, religion, economics, health, spiritual or anything else that anyone would wish to bring to the subject (until such time that it is done to death and we are all bored and no doubt the lockdown is ended and we are all back to our day jobs)

Feel free to amend the definition as you wish as I am not the final arbiter, just a participant (y)
For everyone that believes that the science is settled.

Short version

Full version

I remember ages ago, the fear that living near electricity pylons resulted in elevated cases of cancers, and that excessive use of these new-fangled mobile phones would microwave your brain.

Are these still a thing, have we become accustomed to them; are there death certificates citing "fried brain" as causes of death?

Problem with people is their simple-mindedness, and not accepting nuance.
Politicians, widely recognized as liars, deal in absolutes, clear black and white.
Scientists, by their nature, are always inquiring, and couch their words in probabilities. For some, this means uncertainty. The fevered imaginations of some, think this means there are nefarious deeds afoot.

Have the Illuminati taken over yet?
Yes of course the electromagnetic spectrum is THE technology that is causing the most consternation. It matters not if you are an expert or not, if the fear is real, then it is real, and the effects of the fear are worse than the effects of THE technology.

So how do you remove the fear of THE technology and therefore bring it into wide acceptance?

Do you just roll it out without any consultation with the local population, do you just cut down trees without proper consultation?

Of course you don't, you consult, educate, have a period of cooling off and discussion.

Has any of that happened?

And then once you have answered that question, then ask yourself why 5G is objected to so strongly based on [baseless] RF grounds (and that is just one objection)!

I totally see what you mean, but I'm not sure discussions about new technologies with local populations would lead anywhere. What parts would you explain, and how would you explain it so that laymen can make a proper judgement about it? I mean, if you tried to discuss a subject with someone that they don't have any scientific understanding about, they wouldn't necessarily be able to form an educated, non-biased opinion, and rumors and conspiracy theories might still be the basis of their judgement. I'm not trying to be critical btw, I'm genuinely interested how you imagine this happening.
Am I right in thinking that there will be far more 5G base stations needed than 4G because of the shorter distances between stations ? If so I doubt they will bother to cover country areas adequately. I live in a valley which stops 4G reception.
As far as I know "The cousins " are worried about the political implications. They are guessing that the Chinese State security apparatus will have back door access to 5G and therefore able to turn part of the West's economy on and off at leisure.