£50/pip eur/usd 5k account.

Later on i'm going for a waxed back crack 'n' sack. I may even have my legs done today, the hairs are poking through my stockings.
I've changed my mind, i'm gonna f*ck the ftse off, sexy as she is, her pussy reeks to high heaven.

I'll have to rethink.
The decision is made.


I know, i know, you're thinking you boring tw*t. She is boring SP500, she likes staying in and watching soaps, doesn't swallow, moans when you go out with your mates...she is one miserable wench.

Trading Miss SP500 is worse than watching paint dry, you can feel the neurons in your brain start to die off from the outer surface inwards.

But we can take advantage...like ya do.

What i will do is throw trades up, ill be ironing/averaging moves out...no stops. Sometimes i may go with the flow, we'll see.

Now i've mentioned "no stops", let me clear this one up before anyone starts bangin on. Using stops on the SP500 is like tying a dog with no legs to a tree stump....why bother it's not going anywhere is it.

Also, i'll trade it on a one point basis, not ticks or tenths of points, spread bet it to the max.

Two frames: Daily and H4.

From here on in folks you can forget brain cells, you're gonna need about three.

1) Brain cell one will keep your eyes functioning.

2) Brain cell two will process the information that brain cell one is passing onto it.

3) Brain cell three is for normal bodily functions, breathing, heartbeat, p!ssing, sh!tting etc etc.

The rest of your brain cells can be passed on to the family shelf-stacker, they're gonna need them more.
have you ever looked at crude oil? Its better than the ftse and when it moves nothing aint going to stop it
have you ever looked at crude oil? Its better than the ftse and when it moves nothing aint going to stop it

Crude....!? We'll 'ave a little dabble with that one matey. Later though, lets not burst onto the commods scene just yet.
What i'll do before monday is come up with a unit strat, then i'll invite someone to make a call on the SP500.

Don't worry, your call will not be held against you. All you have to do is throw a direction in, you can even try to flummox me with an opposite to what you think.

I'll leave the call for a full session, then deal with it after that.

"Come on! George, move this f*ckin market, if it stays below 1800 we're dead."

This was a line from which film?

A) Pretty Woman.

B) Rogue Trader.

C) Death Wish.