I got a call off them the other day "to confirm my e-mail address" asking if I was interested.
I am currently looking for a filter and charting system for longer term use (rather than using web based charts which suit me at the moment- I use a combination of quote.com/ ft.com- both on a small monthly subscription).
The current 2clickinvestor system currently doesn't do candlestick charting, although they claim that the new version coming out in 2 weeks will have this facility as well as other increased levels of functionality. However, they are currently using the hard sell tactic of stating that this new version will cost £700 + to new customers after it comes out. To existing users (i.e. if I were to buy in the next couple of weeks), the upgrade to the new version will be free.
They do not have a demo version, although they stated they were prepared to offer a 30 day money back guarantee.
My view is that I'm not prepared to part with the best part of £600 (£375 for s/ware + £120 data feed annual subscription + VAT) on the basis of 2 phone calls to the first Joe Blow that comes along, particularly without being able to check out the functionality of the product upfront on, say, a 2 week free trial basis. We'll see what they say when they call again.
This company may very well be "kosher" and have a good product, but they need to understand the best route to establishing an on going business relationship, particularly with new customers. So far, in my view, they have failed to do that.