So with 2004 coming to a close, how did we fair on maybe our first year of trading or maybe our last!!!
it seems some people can talk a good story and some do very well also some fail and some fair ok...
on a personal note.. ive done ok but i still have not earned enough to trade of the coast of monaco!!! i wonder if we could have a thread with whos done well and how maybe systems based trading, scalping, swing, spread trading stir arcade trading to see if there are any similarities that emerge and may help us go in a new direction in 2005.....
merry xmas all and good luck and hapy trading for 2005
it seems some people can talk a good story and some do very well also some fail and some fair ok...
on a personal note.. ive done ok but i still have not earned enough to trade of the coast of monaco!!! i wonder if we could have a thread with whos done well and how maybe systems based trading, scalping, swing, spread trading stir arcade trading to see if there are any similarities that emerge and may help us go in a new direction in 2005.....
merry xmas all and good luck and hapy trading for 2005