Recent content by waldorf

  1. W

    Competition Rule Changes

    It would make sense if the capital was increased to 100k, the number of shares should increase to max 10, otherwise its ok as it is for me. Col
  2. W

    Top three Back into CW!!!!

    Waldorf followed by.... Nice One followed by....Crashproof all long CW.... get a life chaps lol Col Walden :rolleyes:
  3. W

    Ways to improve the comp.

    Comp fine as it is for me, would like to see an improvement in stop and limit though, as i was stopped out of SPT when it had no stop selected, and limit out of LGEN @ 817/5 when 82 was select and attained. Col
  4. W

    Did I really put a stop on SPT ?

    Hi Sharky, Have you given up on me. :cry: Col
  5. W

    Did I really put a stop on SPT ?

    Hi Sharky, Was it something i said...... stopped out of LOG @ 0.00p and placed last in the comp. that'll teach me to complain rofl (:- 0) :D
  6. W

    Did I really put a stop on SPT ?

    Hi Sharky, Its a bit complex, but i have only bought LOG since my early exit from SPT, if you think its ok, my limit of 13.75p would be the exit price from SPT, then all funds into LOG @ 93.25p would bring it up to date, but i'm happy to let it stand as is, i'll just have to make my run to the...
  7. W

    Did I really put a stop on SPT ?

    Hi Sharky, Has there been a blip, or did I really put a stop on SPT @12p, remember a limit of 13.75p but no stop, or is my age getting the better of my memory ;- () lol. Col
  8. W

    January Competition Results

    Thanks Sharky, I'll look forward to the lucky Tshirt. Col
  9. W

    What's going on???

    Where did that CW cover price @ 66.25p delayed time of 4:54pm come from, can't find it, didn't see it.. around 69p is all i saw..must have blinked at the crucial moment..... Drat missed it again ;-0(( lol Col
  10. W

    What's going on???

    Hi Sharky, My trades yesterday afternoon should be , sold BARC @ 3.52p, bought ARM @ 47.25p, give or take a tadge. Col
  11. W

    What's going on???

    Oh dear, its all gone wrong, but, i'm sure Sharky will fix it...... cos he's a ***star*** :-) Col
  12. W

    Suffering re-quotes!!??

    Hi Sharky, Yep, I know how it works, 15min delay and all that, and its correct but the trade 19secs before and the one after are both @1.7p just the way my luck is lol ;-(( Col
  13. W

    Suffering re-quotes!!??

    Hi Sharky, Its been a long time, sold moni 1.7p been given 1.64p, must have been swapped about a bit as i pressed the send button.....the fantasy world is no different to the real world ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol... cry....sob. Col
  14. W

    Hi Sharky...Don't like to moan...but!!!!

    Thanxs for that Sharky.... i can certainly do with the cash lol Col
  15. W

    Hi Sharky...Don't like to moan...but!!!!

    Hi Sharky, What happened with bby, had 6684 on 10/6 value £15373.20p stopped out on 11/6 worth 0 price 0 is that the same bug, as this was a long. Col