YOU #¤%&#¤%& #¤%#¤% Show me a profitable strategy!

no Den 'cos your countryman was exposed elsewhere as a sham, charlatan, cad, bounder and overall pr*ck so this thread was dropped. it is an ex-thread.

Really? as far as I can see, the stock tip he gave was spot on. Must be close to 100% now? And that is not including the dividends!
unsure if I'm stepping out of bounds using this as my first post and all.

You can't use another persons system, you need to learn how to use the tools on your is an art form where each "artist" so to speak has their own signature. Try some stuff, read up on anything you can get your hands on. Trading Forex isn't about getting rich fast, its about being consistent with your profits. Don't take size on too fast or you will not become a good trader, ease into it.
Go to demo while you have your dividend machine in play, learn how two or three currency pairs work, get to know their nuances. Then begin to write a trading plan which I believe theres a good thread somewhere on the board that I followed to write mine.

Personally I am a positional trader. You on the other hand could be a scalper, or a directional trader (I am separating positional from directional because I consider stop and reverse to be directional). Try some stuff out, have fun, after all its a zero sum game, the only advantage that the pros have on novice is experience. They use the same systems. Same tools. More defined signature.