Unusual Business Ideas That Work


How To Make Money Online Without Trying Hard
When word of a whites-only scholarship at Boston University hit the media last fall--drawing coverage from bloggers and biggies like ABC alike--Daniel Kovach smelled opportunity. His goal: to boost traffic to the website he runs, Scholarships Around the US.
So he paid a writer to crank out "The White Man's Guide to Getting a Minority Scholarship," which reveals that some schools do offer scholarships to "nonblack" students--and added it to the mix. Then Kovach planted a link to the article on recommendation site Digg, where it jumped to the coveted front page.
That, in turn, led other sites to link to the article. And Kovach landed a top search ranking on Google for phrases like "white man scholarship."
Such timely strategies have helped Kovach turn his year-old site into a $10,000-per-year cash cow. Not bad for a 26-year-old who works about an hour a day out of his townhouse in Raleigh, N.C.
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