my journal 3

Been thinking. I was going through facebook, eyed this wonderful facebook page:ás-JusticiaMenos-Caridad/170393709670025

Wonderful pictures and I found this one:


Like many other pictures on that page, this captures it all, the reason why seven billion people are kept subjugated so successfully by a few at the top: the hope for a better future. Just the way I work at the bank, and I don't complain because I know there's people doing worse than me, and because I hope I will be doing much better tomorrow. And that I'll be able to benefit from the system (of capitalism).

So, since there's always someone worse off and there's always hope, we accept the state of things. Not just that, because if we're better than average, we fight to maintain the state of things, and since those who are better than average are also stronger than the other half, they always win, and things do not change.

Now the problem is in the difference between average and median. Because if the average is equal to the median, then things work out, because there's a weak 50% fighting against a strong 50%, and they have no chance. But if they do not coincide, as is the case now, then you might have a large majority pissed off at a small minority, such as it is now: probably like 7 billions pissed off at 1 million people. The thing is that americans who complain about the system, even the poorest, don't know how good they have it. But they complain, because they don't know they're fighting against their own advantages.

Anyway, for those at the top, with all these potential people complaining, the only way to keep the status quo going is to make sure this large majority is kept ignorant and doesn't know that it's a large majority.

But internet is changing that. It's spreading in the population and it's spreading information. And that's well-represented by this next picture:


People are getting in touch with each other, and pretty soon they'll open their eyes. But maybe I am wrong, and this is just something that sounds really good. Also because 90% of those around me are successfully dumbed down. Even college graduates, I mean.
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Quelque Chose de Sombre Arrive - Part.2 - YouTube

eugenics, vaccines, bill gates, rockefeller, monsanto, chemtrails... their lies and efforts to reduce the population

we can only count on the french right now, and maybe on the other europeans ... everyone else is too weak or sleeping: in italy we get very little of this press

if we see anything like this on tv, then it's derided by the anchor
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Taxi drivers... one out of ten is an unpleasant experience. An asshole or a thief.

Now, you could take it personally, which doesn't make sense, or you could take it as a statistic, which is the way it should be taken.

The same should be with everything else in life, and yet we don't do it at all. The proof is love, friendship, and other bull**** concepts. They would not exist if we didn't take life personally.

The woman who "loves" you is not loving your unique you, but your statistic. The thief cab driver is not robbing you, but the type of client that you are (unarmed, not scary, etc.). The same applies to love, and even more friendship. Friends and lovers don't exist. They're a delusion. There's more to it that I can't explore that makes it so that it's not exactly as I say. But it is very much as I say.

The only exception is mother and father, because they love you unconditionally (usually). But then again this can be said about some wives. So I guess there's something that I am missing, but a lot is as I say, too.
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Doomsday French mountain to be closed 'on day the world ends' - Telegraph

damn, just when I had found out how to survive

With the clock ticking, a government-backed anti-cult watchdog is warning against a repeat of the 1995 mass suicides by the Order of the Solar Temple sect in the Alps when their predicted Doomsday failed to take place.
Yeah, this makes sense. Because what we want is the death of everyone else, and if it doesn't happen, we might as well kill ourselves.

More on this subject:
» 10 Reasons Why It’s Not The End of the World As We Know It
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My roommate didn't use to be unpleasant verbally, but maybe since I got him to understand that he cannot touch my shoulder, he has built up some resentment and now he's being mean. He just told me that I can wear a shirt instead of something heavier because I am twenty years younger than him - which means "only" twenty years younger. It's like telling me that I am old. Besides, it was deliberate because it doesn't make any sense. He said to turn off the air conditioning (which was making him hot), because I can wear a shirt, but he can't because he's older - ridiculous. It doesn't make any sense. It's like saying "make the room cold, so I can dress warmer, because I am older". He's not only an asshole but also an idiot.

No big deal. In a month I'll start my new schedule, from 8.30 till 14.30. He comes at 10.30, and leaves at 12.30, then comes back at 14.30. Then he has a break between 11 and 11.30. So this means I'll be seeing him for just 1 and a half hour per day.

And he's a dishonest **** sucker, because he doesn't do **** for the bank. And gets paid twice as much as I do.
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Damn feeling of missed profit!

This is a big problem for traders, because it makes you overtrade, trying to catch up with that profit that you missed, because you were sleeping or similar. Or didn't monitor a future.


Remember yesterday, how I called the top on GBL at 146, and I was right, but I was at work rather than at home:


I was also stupid in that I thought of it for a second, before leaving home, but ultimately I didn't insert a LMT sell order on GBL, even though I thought this might happen.

Never discard improbable events. Just in case, insert a LMT order. But I am learning from this lesson. For example, today I inserted both an exit LMT on ZN, and an entry LMT on GBL. Of course it's also a pain in the ass to do it, and then see that it wasn't taken.
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Been thinking. I was going through facebook, eyed this wonderful facebook page:ás-JusticiaMenos-Caridad/170393709670025

Wonderful pictures and I found this one:

View attachment 151108

This picture doesn't depict Capitalism at all, it's a left wing socialists view of Capitalism! That picture is a more accurate depiction of Socialism. The BIG FAT LAZY OAF riding on the back of the hardworking man is the Government taxing and demanding more from citizens to pay for the welfare/warfare state and promising but not delivering anything in return.
I think it's debatable whether you have interpreted my post in the sense that I had meant it (you have to read the whole post to make sure of that). But nonetheless I completely understand what you are saying, and I thank you for taking the time to let me know your interesting opinion. Thank you for the feedback.
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Hilarious syrian rebels. Now they're faking chemical weapons to give the West an excuse to intervene and bring democracy to Syria, like they did with Iraq:

This video that supposedly shows chemical weapons is proven to be fake.
wow, this is hilarious, too

a couple of things are

first, i was browsing on facebook, and i think I'm being hacked today, because the computer started going really slowly without a reason at all

I guess i've been adding too many extremists as "likes" and "friends"

I added bush, condoleezza rice and the syrian rebels, and the pro-assad people, and the pro-israel, and the pro-palestine. I am either being hacked by one side or by the other. Most likely. So I am done with facebook for now. The most imporant thing is not being hacked. Being informed comes later.

You know, facebook is not really a healthy way of being informed, because it is totally controlled by malevolent people, who try to sway your opinion by blocking some posts and promoting others without even telling you that they're doing it. It's a totally corrupt social network. They wanted to control the internet, and they did it by getting everyone on facebook, that, being a company, can legally do whatever it wants. And these morons are all on it. All of them.

I've been writing journals here, and t2w is safer than facebook most likely. I've written for years, and never had a problem. I use facebook for two months and weird things start happening on my laptop. Mother ****ers. Zuckerberg is clearly a sellout. Oh, and maybe this happened because I added as friends all the managers of facebook, too.

The next time I want to use facebook I'm going to need to hire a team of teenage hackers, to check what goes on when I connect on my account.

Now I rebooted, changed my ip, logged out of fascbook... and the computer runs smoothly.

Yeah, maybe I am imagining things, it could very well be. However, I felt from the start that facebook does not welcome political activism, because it is a tool intended for the dumbing down of people. Just as politics doesn't welcome politicians that want to change things, but it welcomes actors and liars.


Another funny thing is that I might have heard the child, the four year old nimrod neighbor, as saying "vaffanculo", which is what I always say when he makes noise. I might have taught him to say "**** you" precociously.

Not my problem if this ****ing family has kept me from sleeping for the past 4 years by raising an idiot possessed child and placing him next to my room.
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...Friends and lovers don't exist. They're a delusion. There's more to it that I can't explore that makes it so that it's not exactly as I say. But it is very much as I say.
I agree that everything has its risk reward ratio, and most good friends and lovers are mutually beneficial to each other. But friendship and love extends beyond the bounds of give and take. I have seen selfless acts performed for me, and I have performed the same for others. I do believe that love is real.
In my opinion, it is real in the minds of those who act coherently (and act as they talk), but even they overestimate their coherence and that of others. There's been too many movies and songs and books and poems that have corrupted our minds and made us overestimate our capability of giving unconditional love and friendship. So, ok, it is not total bull****, but it is much more fake than we're taught to think by the mass media. I believe in unconditional hate.

Is there such a thing called unconditional hate? - Yahoo! Answers
henry makow knows a lot of ****

Facebook is a CIA Databank -
Remember when Mark Zuckerberg called his users ''dumb f****''?

by Sandeep Parwaga

In my Feb. 16 article ''Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts,'' I argued that Facebook and Google data mine information about you. This is now public knowledge.

Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts -

Henry Makow knows a lot of ****, and so does Sandeep Parwaga

Nik Cubrilovic, an entrepreneur, hacker and writer, revealed that Facebook tracked and stored the Internet browsing of its 750 million users even after they had left the site.

I totally felt it from the start that I was being observed and even from the start I felt very manipulated. Posts are filtered according to their goddamn wishes.

There used to be a saying: ''No one makes a name for himself without giving something up''

As a youngster, I was awed by people who ''made it to the top'' by creating and innovating corporations, technologies, or simply establishing themselves through sports, music, entertainment, etc. thus becoming millionaires.

Now as I have grown older, I realize how illusory this paradigm really is. I came to the conclusion that if you want to reach the ''top',' you have to give up your soul.

Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. He is one of the most ''successful entrepreneurs'' in the last decade. Having made a fortune through his Facebook empire, he reaches more than 500 million people worldwide. It seems like a fairytale. A student creates a new interface to connect the people throughout the world. Well, it sounds great doesn't it? It would, if we were true.
(second article)

The Real Facebook - YouTube

Defriend Day - YouTube
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Yeah, let me tell you, I was learning a lot of things on facebook but it's scary. I feel there's people looking at me, and hacking into my laptop, because of the activists that I unwittingly infiltrated. I'll get one laptop with nothing on it, in a few months, just to connect to facebook and do whatever I have to do. You heard the story about brandon raub, right?


That's exactly what happened to him.

Here's more, on big pharma and where we're heading:

Health Ranger: Big Pharma's Secret Agenda Exposed - YouTube

Ok, basically no freedom, no health... - we're like animals to the elite. But it's not a problem if you're a regular person, who doesn't even care or realize these things. And that's why we're in this situation. Because the majority sleeps and conforms, and treats us like Trevor:

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Syria - FSA Missile Launcher Made In Homs - YouTube

See, when the law ceases, all the worst people come out, and they take justice into their own hands. So a big thank to the US for encouraging chaos. Now these guys are in the street and feel free to kill anyone they don't like, not just for political reasons but for any reason, even robbing people.

I am not saying some of these people aren't trying to do something good, but obviously they're also shooting people in the street, as we've all heard (not if you're listening to the mainstream media).

Here's more on their side of the story (the rebels, encouraged by the US):
baynetna's channel - YouTube

Amazing how religiously motivated they are (I always hear them mentioning "allah" in all the videos):

Syria - Baynetna Update (7/Decemvber/2012) - YouTube

Here's what they keep saying:
Takbir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syria - US Forces Arrive On Syrian Coast (6/December/2012) - YouTube

pretty clear what they're saying, those who made this last video (all from the same channel, pro-free syrian army): they're happy that the americans are/seem to be coming to help them overthrow assad. This is all very sad. These people relying on the US for anything. And the US using them for its own interests.

Syria - FSA Capture Military Air Base - YouTube

Considering cyprus is in the EU, this crap is going on right on the border with the EU. No wonder the EU didn't let Turkey in, due to its being muslim. There's a risk of these religious wars. Hearing "Allahu Akbar" ('God is the Greatest') so many times has opened my eyes. These people are willing to die for their religion, whereas in Europe no one is willing to die for anything, so we're more peaceful. Dunno, the americans say "US number one" a whole lot.... just some brainstorming, maybe it's all wrong.

Syria - FSA Front Line Clashes + - YouTube

So sorry for these people. They certainly didn't have a fun life to be doing what they're doing.

This seems true, I found it on facebook:


Presidents come and go, but the american policy is always the same. Then, once they're done with this awful job, they move on to better things:


They go and campaign against AIDS, which was created in a US lab, precisely to kill africans and other people they don't like:

Robert Gallo: The Man That Created AIDS - YouTube

The Strecker Memorandum - AIDS is a man made disease - YouTube

funny world, where widespread ignorance allows a minority to do some amazing things, such as create AIDS and then pretend they're fighting it, deal drugs and then pretend they're fighting it, produce terrorism and then pretend they're fighting it... amazing situations... total dishonesty


these people don't seem mercenaries to me, I am no expert, but they seem very motivated religiously - yugoslavia had the same problems, was very close to europe, much closer, and yet the war went on for years. I guess that unless it happens right inside your country, you're not going to do anything until it's too late

now that i think of it, this is not about muslims vs another religion, because they're all muslims. It's maybe about other things, or that maybe these muslims are more muslims than other muslims or maybe it's cultural, or maybe they're really mercenaries, because they're saying that 95% of these Free Syrian Army are not syrians.
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Syria - Fighter Jets Massacre Homs (November 2012) - YouTube

holy ****, if these are the bad guys, the free syrian army, the mercenaries... whoever they are, they don't seem in bad faith either

it's the last time I hear anyone preaching hate, whether it's the government or the truthers, or the communists or the fascists

There's problems to solve, things to fix, but forget about hating a given group of people, and stay away from those preaching hate. As soon as you hear both sides, you realize that it's not black and white.

Both those involved in the fight have their reasons. The problem is that those who don't have a lot of reason maybe is those who are not involved and are enjoying the benefits without paying the consequences, all of us sitting comfortably at home, while our governments let or make this happen