Looking for people who can write articles


Looking for people who can write articles about CFD trading and Financial Spread betting.

Either PM me here (not sure I can receive PM's as I'm new)

Looking for close to 100 articles.

About me: I have professional trading experience in stocks and options, but this area is new to me.
Might be helpful if you could say a little more about what it might involve, who it is for, typical length of article, typical topics of articles, pay etc.
Shakone good points.

Typical length 500-1000 maybe even less than 500 if presented correctly.

I need articles on CFD trading, Financial spread betting/spread trading.

Typical topics might be: (as an experienced trader in this area you might have better topic ideas)
Beginners guide to CFD trading, beginners guide to spread trading, etc.
Reviews of certain spread trading firms, ie Tradefair, Paddy Power Trader, City Index, and many more.

Cost per article $15-$30 per article

I'm available on skype as well pm me for that.
Looking for people who can write articles about CFD trading and Financial Spread betting.

Either PM me here (not sure I can receive PM's as I'm new)

Looking for close to 100 articles.

About me: I have professional trading experience in stocks and options, but this area is new to me.


I am a novice forex trader with experience in SEO and article writing, I also have a close friend who writes articles full time...

How do you want to go about this?? Payment by paypal??


I am a novice forex trader with experience in SEO and article writing, I also have a close friend who writes articles full time...

How do you want to go about this?? Payment by paypal??


Paypal is fine with me. Since you only have 2 posts I would need to see references or previous samples. You can pm me if you don't want to post in this that in the thread.
Paypal is fine with me. Since you only have 2 posts I would need to see references or previous samples. You can pm me if you don't want to post in this that in the thread.

I understand. Give me your email address and I'll send you a few examples of my work for you to review. If it is of relevance I have had accounts with most spread betting companies so writing reviews of them will be simple for me.

Hi hirewriters,
Welcome to T2W.
Having written a lot of the content here on T2W, (e.g. the Stickies and Trading FAQs), I'm struggling to think of how anyone could write circa 100 articles of 500 - 1000 words on spread betting and CFDs! The subject has literally been flogged to death and coming up new information and fresh insights about the subject will be extremely tough!
Shakone good points.

Typical length 500-1000 maybe even less than 500 if presented correctly.

I need articles on CFD trading, Financial spread betting/spread trading.

Typical topics might be: (as an experienced trader in this area you might have better topic ideas)
Beginners guide to CFD trading, beginners guide to spread trading, etc.
Reviews of certain spread trading firms, ie Tradefair, Paddy Power Trader, City Index, and many more.

Cost per article $15-$30 per article

I'm available on skype as well pm me for that.

Fook off...
fifteen quid...

This will attract the top tier traders for sure.

Jeez - what a way to GUARANTEE that you have a bunch of retards on the breadline writing articles.
Isnt this just some sort of SEO trick that's used by websites to raise their Google ranking? You publish a lot of 'relevant' articles around the web with various backlinks to your website. At least I think that's how it works, if that's the case then quality is of little relevance.
$15 to $30
Words fail me


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fifteen quid...

This will attract the top tier traders for sure.

Jeez - what a way to GUARANTEE that you have a bunch of retards on the breadline writing articles.

This is how he must picture the majority of T2W members...it's Dante btw..:p

I've just forwarded a copy of this to Sharky. Cheers BS - and I'll buy you a pint if I get a pay rise!

In a former life It's what I used to pay a well known finance journo, iirc it was 300 for roughly 750 words...and that was 3 years back and he was doing me a huge favour with that rate.