Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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see if we can get any runners, now


  • eu.JPG
    56.1 KB · Views: 175
9 03 am

1495/6 holding for now

After 8 52 am was the sell - but getting ready for a dog walk - so will leave on if we drop under 77 and put stop at 1492 - at B/O

Back then before 10 00 am

See you later guys
i am still laughing - i am sure dt will have to laugh as well -

would you just have taken that off an harmonic pattern

yes of course on part stakes with stops in profit

did you feel if the pattern and the pf's and the lrs and the time bias etc all lined up it had a better chance ?

I am sure you did - that is pro trading at its best mm

well it seems F has already finished and met all targets ....;).......hows your days trading going D ?

ok ?


I dont have targets N, and being a swing trader theres not much for me to do on a minute by minute basis.
Still short dax @ 11420, hedged out @ 9789 (220 or 22,220 over fridays close, depending on how you count them) thanks to the gap, small dink in the scratches.
Keep an eye out any new 'I was robbed' threads from the stop users eh :p
well, that call on the EU you labelled as bo'''ocks just hit my limit at 406.1 PIPS
I think we might have got our wires crossed MM. Im not calling any 'call' . Just the trident stuff. I mean, its complete .
You seem to believe that it has something to do with you being able to turn a profit. That it has some sort of predictive value. Thats cool, whatever it takes to build the confidence enough to place them orders man.

Re 406.1 pips. Thats fantastic man. Well done you!
My current play over 8 days (id guess around 3 hours screen time) has me netted out at 1631 or 164731 depending on how you count em. Its just a number mate, just another trade, just another day.

The quality of this thread seems relentless (y). I cant help but come back for more, and more, and m.......
I think we might have got our wires crossed MM. Im not calling any 'call' . Just the trident stuff. I mean, its complete .
You seem to believe that it has something to do with you being able to turn a profit. That it has some sort of predictive value. Thats cool, whatever it takes to build the confidence enough to place them orders man.

Re 406.1 pips. Thats fantastic man. Well done you!
My current play over 8 days (id guess around 3 hours screen time) has me netted out at 1631 or 164731 depending on how you count em. Its just a number mate, just another trade, just another day.

The quality of this thread seems relentless (y). I cant help but come back for more, and more, and m.......

pips are pips dude I suspect that you did not make over 160 thousand pips in 8 days :innocent:

Well then get ready to have your mind blown - Just for you i'll show the whole morning(not just EU) including some index scalps

looks great S.......impressive

but with respect dude ..........if people chose to show results here (and perfectly up to them as we respect F's decision not to) I would prefer it not on an excel spreadsheet dude .......too easy to miss out trades ;)

looks great

but with respect dude ..........if people chose to show results (perfectly up to them as we respect F's decision not to) I would prefer it not on an excel spreadsheet dude .......too easy to miss out trades ;)


lol, it's a ninjatrader performance tab from a futures broker!! :LOL: Dear Lord! - you keep dropping clangers today ;)
lol, it's a ninjatrader performance tab from a futures broker!! :LOL: Dear Lord!


but a little evidence of that on the screen would help.....looks like a standard Excel spreadsheet to me ;)

want me to knock one up that is 100% similar ?

looks great S.......impressive

but with respect dude ..........if people chose to show results here (and perfectly up to them as we respect F's decision not to) I would prefer it not on an excel spreadsheet dude .......too easy to miss out trades ;)


Maybe this will assuage your concerns


  • eu.JPG
    66.7 KB · Views: 202
whish brings us all nicely back to the show me your results Catch 42 cycle

I made x pips today
prove it
prove it
not needed
prove it
heres my results
don't believe them
but they are true
don't believe them

ad nauseam.....
Maybe this will assuage your concerns

better by the minute S ..................better by the minute....I wont take this process further but thanks for your sharing ..........

you will excuse me but if you have ever dealt with the many many shark vendors out there and complaints that newbies have about them (as I have at times) you will have to just accept that ANYTHING can be faked in this business

i'm not saying this is the case here but truly anything can be faked regarding results.........Humans have a culpability to want to believe things when shown to them .........and vendors are totally unscrupulous

People will next say that I am being hypocritical as I believe F's results and claims ........... but follow F's threads from day one and actually bloody read what he is saying day in day out ...........they guy is talking about the key positions and times and some of the other key factors that then open up good trades .........that's as good as it gets .........I cant call live stuff when I have been scalping up to 300 scalps a day can anyone do that ?

you know what ...........I've just about had enough of this fecking forum for the moment try to contribute and help people for several years and you get constant sh*t in return ...........

toys out of pram time ............back at some point in future

Last edited:
10 20 am

Back now for 20 mins or so

Got to get round to some other pairs - but being a Monday - only second days trading back after a holiday break and no main red news items - I cannot get that focused still

EU now in a approx 50 pip range from 1450 to 1500 and so I am sure I will have some scalps on it - I need over 1505 and under 1446 to being holding new scalps on longer

GU as nearly done an 100 pips turn up since 8 00 am and LO

It was under its LiTs area under 5560 and 5580 - but once above both - a proper session bias change

Ucad - OK for scalping but in a 35 -40 pip range still
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