How to get a job being trained by then working for a trading firm???


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i finish college in june, only will have 3 A-levels as i had planned to work in the police, and dont regard academic and studing qualifications anywhere close to real life busines skills that i currently have managed to use sucessfully to make money starting from a £5 note to now almost £150 per week, every week in under 6months.

I have had to give up my dream of the police as it wont now be fair on my fiance due to the hours id have to work.

And now i am going to become a fulltime stockmarket trader for my career.

I have been trading with real money / demo for a few months now, lost about £600 to start, but now am learning very fast about all the basics of trading and how the markets work.
I would like to learn more about trading an d gain experience but also money so i can live.., and so i would like to start working for a trading firm as a junior.

I know very little about trading firms, but speaking to a trader who currently works for one he says i could start at 7am but leave at lunchtime if i want, so those hours would be ok for me.
Im very concerned that i wont be able to get a job even as a junior trainee though due to my lack of uni degrees or any other qualifications that these sort of city jobs would require though... :(:cry::cry:

If anyone could give me some info and links about how and where i could apply for trading firms in the London (Sw especially) area, and how i could ever have any chance of managing to get a job wth them with my lack of uni degrees or academic qualifications??

i finish college in june, only will have 3 A-levels as i had planned to work in the police, and dont regard academic and studing qualifications anywhere close to real life busines skills that i currently have managed to use sucessfully to make money starting from a £5 note to now almost £150 per week, every week in under 6months.

I have had to give up my dream of the police as it wont now be fair on my fiance due to the hours id have to work.

And now i am going to become a fulltime stockmarket trader for my career.

I have been trading with real money / demo for a few months now, lost about £600 to start, but now am learning very fast about all the basics of trading and how the markets work.
I would like to learn more about trading an d gain experience but also money so i can live.., and so i would like to start working for a trading firm as a junior.

I know very little about trading firms, but speaking to a trader who currently works for one he says i could start at 7am but leave at lunchtime if i want, so those hours would be ok for me.
Im very concerned that i wont be able to get a job even as a junior trainee though due to my lack of uni degrees or any other qualifications that these sort of city jobs would require though... :(:cry::cry:

If anyone could give me some info and links about how and where i could apply for trading firms in the London (Sw especially) area, and how i could ever have any chance of managing to get a job wth them with my lack of uni degrees or academic qualifications??

" I have had to give up my dream of the police " - !!

You gotta " think outside the box " and change your way of thinking mate - !!:!:
say " someone " starts in the police at 25 and work until they retire and theyre basic is say 25k a year -

Thats 40 YEARS WORK x 25k a YEAR - which basically means you will have SPENT the " WHOLE OF YOUR WORKING LIFE" to earn the sum of say 1m quid - !! :!:

that wouldnt even cover the price of a " average " house outta this weeks Country Life !!

Its ALL about ROR NOTHING ELSE......... !! either take the time and LEARN TO TRADE or dont....... !! :!::idea:
One minute you knock qualifications and the next, you regret not having them? Make up your mind.

Besides, for normal people, qualifications is the only way of earning a lot of money. That £60k car you sat in the other day is the result of qualifications. :p

Anyway, Trader_dante started a thread 2-3 days ago about getting a job in the city...
I know very little about trading firms, but speaking to a trader who currently works for one he says i could start at 7am but leave at lunchtime if i want, so those hours would be ok for me.
Im very concerned that i wont be able to get a job even as a junior trainee though due to my lack of uni degrees or any other qualifications that these sort of city jobs would require though...

Spanish, mate, you crack me up! Start at 7am and leave at lunchtime - yeah, I bet those hours would be OK for you! It seems to me like in every post you write you are trying to run before you can walk. Yes, there are some people that work few hours; I know some traders that spend most of their time on holiday and come in to withdraw from their personal ATM (the market) from time to time BUT believe me these people are in the minority. You have to have a realistic outlook. Anyway, as shadowninja said, I started a thread on getting into a prop firm a few days ago. Don't worry about lack of qualifications but realise that unless you can get through their maths and aptitude tests, their psychology tests and their market tests AND you can come across as keen and knowledgeable in interview, then it would be best off getting a track record together. You don't need to make tens of thousands but you should aim to be winning consistently for a minimum of 3 months and it would be better if you had 6.
start at 7am but leave at lunchtime if i want, so those hours would be ok for me.

why would you want to do that? I love trading so much my new wife is peeling me away from my screen after i've done 7am-7pm in the markets. She knows its my dream and she shares it with me. Make sure your fiancee does too, because if you really want to trade for a living, trading should be your life.
And when she's done, if she has any hot, single girl friends who dig traders... *ahem*

i thought all pro traders got free issued one of these on the first


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Ah, maybe signing up to a spread betting company was my first mistake...

Clicking "buy" would be the second one.

Why don't you go to Uni?


A few days ago you may remember an exchange of posts we had regarding qualifications (or lack of), experience and other qualities. We were in total agreement. However, with regard to your reply here, with respect, this is total bolllocks.

What we agreed on is not applicable to an 18-year old without a degree. If that was the case, half of MacDonald's staff would move to Goldman Sachs. Let's be realistic, not idealistic.

Good Trading,

Hi Grant,

While what I told Spanish may be bolllocks when interviewing at Goldman Sachs I am not sure it is for many prop firms. For a start, I work with two 18 year olds both of who have no degrees but who passed the tests and can demonstrate profitability.

I am 28, with only 2 years of a degree (decided to leave to pursue a career in web/journalism) and in addition I failed all the tests I was set. But like them, can show P&L with live money.

Ok, no degree but:

"two 18 year olds...can demonstrate profitability...I...can show P&L with live money".

Which leaves us with no degree, no experience, cannot show P/L. Do you think being 18 years old will swing it?


Do they have younger sisters (it's not for me, it's for a friend)?


With my wealth, charm and good looks, I can be afford to be picky (that is, my friend can).


"Anything can happen." Mark Douglas
"I am Spartacus". Kirk Douglas.
"Lunch is for wimps". Michael Douglas
"Everybody was kung-fu fighting". Carl Douglas.
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How did this endup being a dating topic?? :LOL::LOL:

There is nothing wrong with people who go to uni, but it just isnt something that would match my skills.

The skills i have are real life skills, not academic skills that you study in books for, but are skills that i have used to support myself, get myself off living on the streets 2years ago, and now be providing enough money too feed myself and look after myself.

Btw nextime you go to macdonalds ask how many people ther actually did go uni and still endedup just working in a macdonalds or highstreet shop, and i guarantee you taht you will be surprised!

But thanks for your advice shadow, dante and others.. i will checkout your previous topic dante. :cool:
" if you need a friend - get a dog " -


With my wealth, charm and good looks, I can be afford to be picky (that is, my friend can).


"Anything can happen." Mark Douglas
"I am Spartacus". Kirk Douglas.
"Lunch is for wimps". Michael Douglas
"Everybody was kung-fu fighting". Carl Douglas.

can ya imagine Alistair Darling playing Gekko....??? :LOL: