How many times in the trading week does the Dow Jones.......


Established member
I have an idea for a day trading system.
Can anyone answer this question ? How many times in a typical trading month does the Dow hit the previous day's close ? I haven't the feeds or programmes on my computer to back test this unfortunately. If it happens quite frequently, I believe I have the start of a system (which also ties in with economic news days)

dc2000 said:
whats your idea ?

Well, I've only been SBing for real since 3 Jan this year (Paper trading since Oct '06) but I've noticed that on the days where there is NO economic data released on Wall St the Dow usually hits (or goes through) the previous day's close.

To give you an example, this morning I sold the Rolling Dow @12585 at 09:13 as it was 29 above the PDC which gave a reasonable profit potential accounting for spreads etc. Just before the opening at 14:30 I bought @ 12562 to give a profit of 23 points. My target is always fairly low, but the system should produce around 10 trades a month.

Is there an easy way of back testing the system ?

hi what you are effectively doing is trading the gap I have some stats somewhere
dc2000 said:
hi what you are effectively doing is trading the gap I have some stats somewhere

Excellent. Would be keen to see anything you have in the way of statistics - or feedback on the method.

I've bought a couple of systems that help me trade the Dow fairly successfully but it's always nice to spot one of your own........


Theres a DOW method very similar to exactly what you describe by Glynn Massey of Dowdecoded. Not sure if its still available, but when I bought it some time ago this method, targeting the PDC on non-economic days was featured.

dwaddell said:

Theres a DOW method very similar to exactly what you describe by Glynn Massey of Dowdecoded. Not sure if its still available, but when I bought it some time ago this method, targeting the PDC on non-economic days was featured.


Hi Dave, his system is similiar but only looks for 10 points per trade, and he advocates just trading this method in the morning whereas I'm testing for a 'whole day trade'.

I've just done a quick back test on the Finspread charts (that's all I have) and out of 9 trading days this year, the PDC was hit on 8 of them, and with some good profits as well.

nkruger said:
I have an idea for a day trading system.
Can anyone answer this question ? How many times in a typical trading month does the Dow hit the previous day's close ? I haven't the feeds or programmes on my computer to back test this unfortunately. If it happens quite frequently, I believe I have the start of a system (which also ties in with economic news days)


Hi nkruger

I have looked at your idea on a 30 min chart, it actually appears at first glance rather promising.

Strong trends will be missed but picks up whippy action just fine :idea:

Using the previous days open, rather than the close may give a more reliable buy/sell level, but this would need more testing.


Well Don, reading your post with my first glass of Chablis of the evening I'm encouraged by your theory of the Previous Day's Open rather than Close. That hadn't occured to me, but I will have a look at it with regards to this year's performance. I will report back tomorrow as I have the feeling that it's all going to become a bit blurreeeeeee......
I've just had a look at some charts that I have available to me from Messrs Finspreads and it looks like the PDC is hit almost EVERYTIME the next day for the whole of 2006 (maybe once a month it misses it) All looks quite promising. Mmmmmm
I'm thinking of testing a system like this, but I can't because I don't have the data. Can anyone test it for me? Or if you give me the data I'll test it with SQL and post the results (and the code too if anyone wants it)?

I was thinking the Pivot Point could be buy or sell signal, and the close could be the profit target. I could tell you how many days where the pivot point is hit, the close is then later hit if someone were to provide me with some 1, 5 or 15 minute OHLC Dow data.
Hey What Gives????

I've tried to upload a txt file with 5 min dow data for play time, unfortunatly it may be too large a file at 3.5 MB and fails to upload :confused:

Can someone assist :eek:

I've tried to upload a txt file with 5 min dow data for play time, unfortunatly it may be too large a file at 3.5 MB and fails to upload :confused:

Can someone assist :eek:


can you zip the file at all?
alternative there is a "yousendit" type facility where you can hold a file to a third party server, and allow others to download it. (you may have to register, but they tend to be free)
can you zip the file at all?
alternative there is a "yousendit" type facility where you can hold a file to a third party server, and allow others to download it. (you may have to register, but they tend to be free)

Thanks for the help trendie, if I cant zip the file, I'll do the other, good idea, cheers.

I suppose my main gripe with their system is that it says we can upload 5+ MB's but as usual its not the case, I've tried doing similar stuff before without much success, there just comes a point of rather not bothering to be honest. I think i've had enough :LOL:

I sent the mad axeman to the file and had it mercilessly chopped down in size so it will fit in to the pathetic size pigeon hole that the admin allow us. consequently the data starts from mid 2006 instead of start 2004.....enjoy


  • INDU5.txt
    1.6 MB · Views: 341
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Thanks for that; the 5 minute data file has 310 trading days in it. In 211 of these days the Dow hit it's previous close, 99 days it didn't.

I'll run a test later and tell you if it reaches the previous days pivot point what the chances are of it hitting the close later that day and what the average win size is.
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Trading Strategy

If you want to trade the previous days closing price, then the Ultimate Dow Trading strategy is an absolute must for you. What i have learnt from this manual has now become an integral part of my daily trading and highly profitable. It has given me a second income of over $50k in the last 12 months. You can email the seller directly for further information at [email protected].

Well Don, reading your post with my first glass of Chablis of the evening I'm encouraged by your theory of the Previous Day's Open rather than Close. That hadn't occured to me, but I will have a look at it with regards to this year's performance. I will report back tomorrow as I have the feeling that it's all going to become a bit blurreeeeeee......
Well Don, reading your post with my first glass of Chablis of the evening I'm encouraged by your theory of the Previous Day's Open rather than Close. That hadn't occured to me, but I will have a look at it with regards to this year's performance. I will report back tomorrow as I have the feeling that it's all going to become a bit blurreeeeeee......

Just wondering how you guys are getting on with backtesting this strategy?

Looks very promising!