Genuinely thinking about leaving London for a couple of weeks


Done some more research on this swine flu stuff. My findings can be summarised thus:

1. Highly, highly contagious. One cough can infect 100s. I live in the West End, work in the City, and use public transport. In a decent epidemic I am practically guaranteed to get it.
2. Plenty of evidence mexican government is covering up true extent of it there
3. Mortality rate seems to be about 1 in 15 so far, and could easily get worse.

So, let's analyse at leaving London for a fortnight as though it were a trade.

Risk: Lose out on a couple of weeks income. Also, in the most likely scenario look both paranoid and silly.
Reward: Don't die. Also a fortnight in the country tends to be quite nice, especially where I will be heading.

Now as it happens, I already tend to look paranoid and silly. So basically I'll just miss out on a couple of week's income, and I can certainly earn plenty of cash by spread betting as a partial substitute... and I have piles of savings anyway... so aren't going to starve. So the risks aren't really risks at all.

But not dying is a huge reward.

I haven't decided yet, but is there any flaw in my analysis?

Ironically, all this movement of people is what spreads all this crap've now infected half of Brighton.....

Hmm probably no bad thing :)
Having carefully evaluated the evidence, if anything I think I would rather catch swine flu (at least it would be interesting) than endure any more utter, utter tedium, so this post is brought to you from a train headed towards Kings Cross...
And talking about browsing t2w on a train, how more classy can you be when browsing the erudite contributions of your fellow forum members?

? They have what? A laptop? A T2W account? A can of stella? Or is this not related to the above photo?