Dilemma Choosing Forex Mentor/Course

This is completely different.

Two things:

1. Most (not all, but the vast majority) of so-called trading educators will, to all intents and purposes, just rob you and fill your head full of cr@p which you must then purge before you can accomplish anything useful. In other words most f it is not just useless, it is worse than useless.

2. The actual process of discovery and learning is extremely valuable in itself. I could do what I do now had I simply been taught what I had to learn and experience myself.

Pboyles offers excellent advice and you would do a lot better if you listened to him.

Yep, I agree, these assholes rort you day in day out. A firm here in Australia had 20 employees, all sales reps and even the director was sales rep, all flogging off $10k 'magic robot's, they were and still are selling 3-5 a week.

I thought F it and went the opposite way, I teach & mentor for free. PM me if you want my details or look in profile, apparently i can't have the link here for whatever reason.

Save your money, trust me. Don't be lazy and get your ass to Forex Trading Online: Foreign Exchange (FX) Trading | Currency Trading for starters even :)
The internet is littered with courses from different mentors. I haven't paid for one, but wait, second that, I did pay USD10 for this introduction to trading fom that British trader, forgot who. But apart from that, I haven't paid for any courses. Granted, you can 'pirate' these Forex trading courses online, but moajority will a few years up to a decade old, so the relevance may not be like for its intended purposes back then, as we know the market do make subtle changes from time to time. I've been trading since 2012 (still considered a rookie btw), but my trading education is ongoing. I've tried a course by Michael J Parsons (geared towards stocks and options), Ken W Chow (loving the Asian accent) and Jerry Stewart (uses Archimedis principle). These are probably my fave 3 but I've downloaded so many course from Steve Nison, Ken Calhoun, Peter Bain etc. It's like info overload to be frank.